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Fuel Barrel Question for Noob


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In terms of "how-to" and "how long?"......


Do you fill them from old fuel tanks like you would a jerry can? Do you need anything special in order to fill them? 


Do they take longer to refill than it takes to refill a jerry can? If so, approx. how long? 


Looking to keep a couple in my SUV while I'm driving around in case I run across a heli/big aircraft and want to fly it somewhere to sell it... since keeping 5-8 full jerry cans is kind of... annoying. 

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They fill up like a Jerry Can and refuel vehicles like a Jerry Can they just hold more. They are useful for choppers but won't work on anything that can't hold that much fuel so you might want a few Jerry Cans around as well. BTW, buy the empty ones and fill them up, they are much cheaper. 

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They fill up like a Jerry Can and refuel vehicles like a Jerry Can they just hold more. They are useful for choppers but won't work on anything that can't hold that much fuel so you might want a few Jerry Cans around as well. BTW, buy the empty ones and fill them up, they are much cheaper. 

Great advice. I always keep like 4-5 jerry's available, but even then it barely puts much in a heli. So it fills in the same amount of time (single refuel/fill animation) as a Jerry can?

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Yes... but holds 210 liters I believe?


Correct. 210 liters. I'm just wondering if (because it's 10x the size) if it takes longer (time-wise) to use than a jerry can. 


You can't fill cars up with them though, I always get a message saying something like "this vehicle can't hold that much" or something.

 Unless I'm missing a trick :)

Nope. No trick. You gotta have a vehicle with a gas tank that's more than 200L and it's gotta be nearly empty (if it's close to 200L) in order to use it. One full fuel barrel = 1/5 tank of gas on V3S or heli, I believe. 

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