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[Suggestion] Restricting clothes swaps.


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Pretty sure its an arma limitation and the only fix would be everytime you fired your weapon, you had the magazine swapped with another variant for example 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag would require a new item called 29Rnd_556x45_Stanag. This way of swapping items would probably force you to reload after each shot but it would definately work.


The other option is to have a completely new backpack system as the Arma system cannot count magazines inside the backpack or at least there is an issue with quantity inside of it. This is also true for other storage items using the default Arma system.


Requiring something specific near you to change clothes is a good idea, ideally something common in most towns would be good or at least an array of items as I think having one specific object would piss people off. 


In the sense of decency it could require any of the major buildings (school/firehouse/red brick house/orange house/hospital) pretty much any building you can go in or to be near a tent.


Also should not be possible in combat, as well as have a longer combat timer with the abort timer still able to overrule it without causing a combat log.


For the sake of duplications its a sacrifice that people should be willing to make. However people like free ammo too much, so brace yourselves.. here comes the hate.

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Would be best to fix the actual issue? To make it so ammo does not refill on cloth swap.

Agreed, fixing the core problem rather than making annoying restrictions catered to a problem is the way to go...with anything.


Pretty sure its an arma limitation and the only fix would be everytime you fired your weapon, you had the magazine swapped with another variant for example 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag would require a new item called 29Rnd_556x45_Stanag. This way of swapping items would probably force you to reload after each shot but it would definately work.


Yeah, we talked about it a couple times...the idea of having an additional class for every mag with every variant of rounds remaining is just, yeah. It seriously sucks.

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Agreed, fixing the core problem rather than making annoying restrictions catered to a problem is the way to go...with anything.


Yeah, we talked about it a couple times...the idea of having an additional class for every mag with every variant of rounds remaining is just, yeah. It seriously sucks.


Does anyone know how they fixed it in Vanilla? There it tracks rounds and you can combine two half empty clips into a full clip.

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