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Epoch objects move after restart on tanoa


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Placing objects (burn barrel, water pump, sink, sun shade, field toilet, watch tower, portable lights, bar gate) all move after server restart and keep moving to the east in small increments. Very annoying.

Light poles, any floors, walls, safes, shelves, solar panels, jammers, work benches do not move and stay firm.

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I have not noticed this by myself for now, but by chance I found something.
In general the items should not move, but at least on maintain they could.
Is it only after maintaining something?

If so, you could try:
Find this line:
and change it like this:

		_worldspace = [(getposATL _this call EPOCH_precisionPos), vectordir _this, vectorup _this];
change to:
		_worldspace = [(getposATL _this), vectordir _this, vectorup _this];

I am not sure if this works, but it could be the issue you have explained.
So please make a backup of your database first!

And please give some feedback!


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