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Epoch Mod 1.2.0 vs arma3server_x64.exe (Stable


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Didn't tryed Epoch Mod for so long and desided to setup a server.

I've found something strange.

I've desided to setup x64 server and actually did that, but I can't connect to him due to Steam ticket failed error.

I've to mantion that my server wasn't showed in Arma3's launcher list, but I can find him in the ingame Arma3's servers browser.

I've checked all paths, ports, etc. twice or even more, without success.

After that I've changed only the name of execution file from arma3server_x64.exe to arma3server.exe and that changed everything.

Same paths, same ports.

Epoch server with the arma3server.exe runs as intended.

Server is listed in the Arma3's launcher list and I can connect to him without any errors.

Don't kick me too hard, may be there were some mistakes, but I have 2 Arma3 servers up and running, 1 x32 and 1 x64 with different Mods.

I do have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 installed in both versions.

Could that be something wrong with EpochServer_x64.dll?


More information.

ARMA3 X32 runs as expected.


20:13:14 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2402, Steam Query Port: 2403
20:13:14 Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410
20:13:15 Starting mission:

ARMA3 X64 runs not as expected for some reason.


20:15:18 Initializing Steam server failed
20:15:18 Starting mission:


But this happens before the epochserver_x64.dll is actually loaded.

Thanks in advance.

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