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Server Error Missing addons



Hello everyone,

This has probably been answered somewhere but i cant find it. I keep on getting this error in the .rpt file in my server. image.thumb.png.88331cd573c2288a0622494e555fddbf.png


I was wondering if anyone had any experience fixing this. If so Please HELP.


I have already uninstalled and reinstalled both arma 2 and arma 2 OA and rebuilt the server from the ground up both times.

Thank you!

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11 answers to this question

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Agree uninstall everything and reinstall again. Remove your server files too. Once you did it run arma2 and play 1 minute ..do the same with arma2oa.

Later copy all content of arma2 into c:\testserver\  do the same with arma2oa but do not copy folders with @. Overwrite.

Proceed with the server pack that i give you and create a new database ..remember put the db values in your hiveEXT.ini

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15 hours ago, juandayz said:

Sounds like a client error. 

@Anaconda101   guess youre missing run arma2 (one single time) before run arma2oa


I had already done that but i did it again. I still get the same error. This time ill upload the .rpt file for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlbqx2r2d4ojnot/arma2oaserver.RPT?dl=0


And here is what the console shows:



I hope you can help!

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@Anaconda101  a few questions.

Are you running an epoch server right? not overpoch.

Are you loading the @Dayz_Epoch folder in your game?

Are you loading the same folder in your server?

How your start.bat or your server launcher.bat looks?

for example this mine:



@echo off
start "arma2" /min "D:\epoch16\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_16_panthera\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_16_panthera\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_16_panthera" -name=instance_16_panthera "-mod=@panthera;@ibr_plants;@ibr_rn;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;@phantera;"


in my arma2oa game in main menu/expansions/ i have active the Arma2,Arma2oa, and Epoch 1.6 mods. check if u have the same.  Cuz maybe im wrong but seems to be a client issue.

Are you be able to join to others servers?

Thers other peoples who can join to your server?

Here you can see how my server root looks:




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1. Yes i am running a Epoch server.

2. Yes i am running the same epoch client files as my game on my server.

3. My Start.bat looks like this:

@echo off

start "arma2" /min arma2oaserver.exe -port=3306 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg"      "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

4. I am able to connect to other servers.

5. I dont have anyone else to test to connect to the server right now. If you want to try yourself i am more then happy to work with you.

6. My server root looks exactly the same

I dont think it makes a difference but the server is running in a VM


Thank you!

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ok tnks for answer every thing mate....its much more easier help people like you.  

(anyway cant belive its not a client error cuz your rpt is giving you a lot of missings addons..but anyway maybe your server is not loading  this addons .)

you are using this  files right?



well try this:

in your start.bat

try replacing the lines in red by your own server root path:


@echo off

start "arma2" /min "D:\testserver\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=3306 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg"      "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"


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Do you have the PMC installed? (Private military company addon).

check how my expansions looks:







I build this server pack for you to test. was tested before and works for me...

How to install it?

1-Create a folder in C:\testserver

2-into C:\testserver\   drop all content located in your ....\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2\

3- now drop all content located ...\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\  into the same folder (C:\testserver\ )  But do not paste anykind of folder with @ for example do not paste @dayz and @dayz_epoch.

4-Download from here http://epochmod.com/a2dayzepoch.php  !!!!JUST THE CLIENT FILES!!!! and place into C:\testserver\

 5-download my files http://www.mediafire.com/file/6cf6piy7fwf95i5/testserver.rar

and place all content into C:\testserver\

6-open C:\testserver\instance_11_Chernarus\HiveEXT.ini and entry your DataBase values in those lines:_


;Database name to connect to.
Database = dayz_epoch

;Username to connect with
Username = dayz
;Password to authenticate with (default is blank)
Password = 123456


execute your server with DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat and try to join.

@Anaconda101 if this donst works ..should be a client issue.

Write me by private. I can join to your machine if u want with team viewer.


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1. This is my mod list.



2. I used your files and created another server. It didn't kick me this time but just spams "Mission Dayz Epoch Chernarus read from directory"

I agree at this point its probably a client issue. Ill re-download All of Arma and see if that fixes it. If that doesn't work ill let you know and PM you.

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So i uninstalled and re installed everything. Same error.

I went in the PMC folder (for private military company) and i realized that i was unable to open the .pbo files with pbo manager. It gave me a "this file is corrupted" error.

I uninstalled and reinstalled all the expansions and verified stuff a bunch. same error. I then tried to join the server with no expansions installed. same error.

Then i said F*** it and deleted the PMC folder from the server. and guess what? everything works perfectly.

Not sure how much a missing expansion will affect the server. but let me know if you know of anything.

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