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Changing aircraft for Epoch Airdrop


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Grahame was kind enough to share some info on how to change the Ghost Hawk for the Epoch Airdrop to a different air vehicle (In this case a C130). So I thought it would be nice to share the info.

All that needs to be done is change the class names for the aircraft & pilot. Also, in this example the "side" is changed to west if you don't want the aircraft to act hostile.

Changing the pilot and "side" is optional.

The changes need to be made in the epoch_server\compile\epoch_missions\EPOCH_Server_create_AirDrop.sqf

Here is the example (provided by Grahame):

	Author: Andrew Gregory - EpochMod.com

    Contributors: Aaron Clark

	Creates helicopter air drop

    Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike

private ["_playerOwner","_objType","_obj","_grp","_unitPos","_driver","_unit"];
params ["_player",["_token","",[""]],"_pos"];

if (!isNil "axenotSent" && {axenotSent}) exitWith {
	diag_log format ["DEBUG: airdrop script already running %1",_this];

if !([_player,_token]call EPOCH_server_getPToken)exitWith{};

_pos set[2, 2400];

if !((nearestObjects[_pos, ["CUP_B_C130J_USMC"], 1000]) isEqualTo[]) exitWith{ diag_log "DEBUG: prevented air drop, too many in area." };

_playerOwner = owner _player;

_objType = "CUP_B_C130J_USMC";
diag_log format["Epoch: Creating %1 for %3 (Owner ID: %4) at %2",_objType, _pos, name _player, owner _player];
_obj = createVehicle [_objType, _pos, [], 0, "FLY"];
_obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_obj disableTIEquipment true;

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;
clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _obj;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;

_obj allowdamage false;
_obj setPosATL _pos;
_obj setFuel 1;
_obj flyInHeight 120;
_grp = createGroup [WEST, true];

_unitPos = _pos;
_driver = _grp createUnit["B_helipilot_F", _unitPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_driver assignAsDriver _obj;
_driver moveInDriver _obj;

_unitPos = _pos findEmptyPosition [1,75,"I_helipilot_F"];

_unit = _grp createUnit["B_helicrew_F", _unitPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_unit assignAsGunner _obj;
_unit moveInGunner _obj;

_grp setCombatMode "BLUE";

(driver _obj) action ["engineOn", _obj];
_obj setVehicleLock "LOCKEDPLAYER";

[_obj,_driver,_player] spawn {
	axenotSent = true;
	params ["_obj","_driver","_player"];
	while {axenotSent} do {
		if (isNull _obj || isNull _driver ||isNull _player) exitWith {axenotSent = false};
		_drvOwner = owner _driver;
		_playerOwner = owner _player;
		if(_drvOwner == _playerOwner) exitWith {
			// send airdrop to player
			_obj remoteExec ['EPOCH_mission_returnObj',_player];
			// since we found an owner, add cleanup if ownership reverts to server. This can also be used to change ownership instead later.
			_obj call EPOCH_localCleanup;
			diag_log format["DEBUG: Transferred ownership of %1 to %2, new owner ID is %3",_driver, name _player, owner _driver];
			axenotSent = false;
		(group _driver) setGroupOwner _playerOwner;
		uiSleep 1;

Hope this is helpful to others.


Thank you Grahame.

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