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[Release] Zabns Take Clothes [Updated for 1.0.7]


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but if u wanna do it.. using the fn_selfactions provided by vkc... (its more easy) then...

just open the fn_selfactions.sqf by vkc and follow this steps added by salival in take clothes guide:

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now in your custom variables.sqf

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  On 9/5/2017 at 5:04 PM, Aelenia said:


Oh.. :blush: I saw that part of his tut but for whatever reason I thought it means having an outdated version of vkc and just ignored it.

I'll try it out later. Again: Thanks a lot for your help!


oh yes,, your right.. its for an outdate version.. but what i mean you can use those codes for find and merge

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  • 3 months later...

getting this in client rpt.  

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  On 12/31/2017 at 8:05 PM, Hooty said:

getting this in client rpt.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

well @salival.. an old friend show me the way.. i dont wanna say his name cuz you gonna get crazy,,, but here is the code for take clothes from ai and from players too.. later you can clean it a little ( my friend way dsnt save the groups if players are in group)..and you can add it latter to the list of ALL YOUR MODS........my friend give you permission  but fix the player wear clothes over players using that skins and fix Ai dsnt attack players on other skin faction....




*Allow players to wear clothes from dead ai.

*Allow admins to define what skins can be taken

*Allow admins to add any kind of model from other factions in ESSV3 in (class spawn) (be care, some models have a small inventory and others do not allow backpacks)

*Skins are saved after restart.

*Ai still attack players of his same faction. example a player wearing an east side model.

*That skins are allowed to use "wear clothes" over default item clothes with right click.

*Zabans normal Take Clothes work with that update too.

*Issues- If players are in group.. the group get lost after change for this skins, but they can join again.


1-open your custom variables.sqf and at very top paste:  (you can change the list of skins.. this ones was tested and all of they allow carry backpacks and have normal inventorys.

BUT WARNING DO NOT PUT MODELS DEFINED AS TRADERS in server_traders = []; otherway that bots gonna have the option to trade.


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2-Now you need asign the boths from the variables.sqf list in your missions files. (WAI.DZAI.DZMS.EVENTS..whatever)

A-For WAI for example: \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\WAI\config.sqf

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2-B- For DZAI for example:\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\DZAI_config.sqf

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3-Open your custom compiles.sqf and made this call into !dedicated section:

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4-into mpmissions\your isntance\dayz_code\compile\  create player_wearClothes.sqf and paste this code inside:

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5-change your takeClothes.sqf by this one.

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6-Open your ESSV3 folder spawn/main.sqf


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below paste:

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I followed the wiki instructions


Created "scripts" folder to mpmissions

created "dayz_code" folder to mpmissions and  "init" and "compile" folders under it.

Added following files from the github download:

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\scripts\takeClothes.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf


edited init.sqf to:


initialized = false;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.05;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.15;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.25;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "logistic\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader city objects locally on every machine early
initialized = true;

The server loads just fine, no RPT errors or problems connecting/playing, but nobody gets the option to take clothes from corpses.

I'm running latest infistar antihack. Do I need to whitelist this addon somewhere?

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  On 3/21/2018 at 3:20 PM, Stefeman said:

Hey, I followed the wiki instructions


Created "scripts" folder to mpmissions

created "dayz_code" folder to mpmissions and  "init" and "compile" folders under it.

Added following files from the github download:

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\scripts\takeClothes.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf

DayZ Epoch Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf


edited init.sqf to:


initialized = false;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.05;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.15;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.25;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "logistic\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader city objects locally on every machine early
initialized = true;

The server loads just fine, no RPT errors or problems connecting/playing, but nobody gets the option to take clothes from corpses.

I'm running latest infistar antihack. Do I need to whitelist this addon somewhere?



if this is a fresh server, I'm not sure.. It should work straight out of the box.

If you're not getting the option, it's normally a fn_selfActions issue.

Try without infistar and see if that does it.

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try this in selfactions.sqf

Replace the relevant code of take clothes with this:

Find this in your selfactions:

if (_isMan && {!_isAlive} && {!(_cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base")} && {!(_cursorTarget getVariable["clothesTaken",false])}) then {
		if (s_player_clothes < 0) then {
				s_player_clothes = player addAction [format["<t color='#0059FF'>%1</t>",localize "STR_CL_TC_TAKE_CLOTHES"],"scripts\takeClothes.sqf",_cursorTarget,0, false,true];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_clothes;
		s_player_clothes = -1;

and replace with this:


    if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie and !_clothesTaken) then {
        if (s_player_clothes < 0) then {
            s_player_clothes = player addAction [format["<t color='#0096ff'>Take Clothes</t>"], "scripts\takeClothes.sqf",_cursorTarget,0, false,true];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_clothes;
        s_player_clothes = -1;


Make sure you have the takeclothes.sqf inside scripts folder

Works for me

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  On 3/21/2018 at 8:12 PM, totis said:

try this in selfactions.sqf

Replace the relevant code of take clothes with this:

Find this in your selfactions:

and replace with this:

Make sure you have the takeclothes.sqf inside scripts folder

Works for me


That won't work since he won't have _clothesTaken.

@Stefemanwithout seeing your files or client/server rpts it's hard to know.

You should also start fresh without the files/hotfix files.

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  On 3/21/2018 at 8:32 PM, salival said:

That won't work since he won't have _clothesTaken.

@Stefemanwithout seeing your files or client/server rpts it's hard to know.

You should also start fresh without the files/hotfix files.



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  On 3/21/2018 at 9:33 PM, Stefeman said:

Your server install is not correct. There are tons of config errors in your rpt. Stuff like this:

20:03:58 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemKeyKit'.

Also, don't use EMS. That mission system was abandoned by its creator a very long time ago. It is essentially a carbon copy of an older version of DZMS.

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  On 3/21/2018 at 11:51 PM, JasonTM said:

Your server install is not correct. There are tons of config errors in your rpt. Stuff like this:

20:03:58 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemKeyKit'.

Also, don't use EMS. That mission system was abandoned by its creator a very long time ago. It is essentially a carbon copy of an older version of DZMS.


Disregarding those issues, my server runs just fine.

Can I pay you to have a closer look about why the Take Clothes is not working. (I run a non-profit server for a group of 10 friends).

I can pay via Paypal/Skrill/BTC/ETH or via anything you wish. I could really use help from someone who knows this better.

My server is a Windows Server 2012 R2 and has remote desktop access. the gamefiles are in a folder at desktop.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 9:07 AM, Stefeman said:

Disregarding those issues, my server runs just fine.

Can I pay you to have a closer look about why the Take Clothes is not working. (I run a non-profit server for a group of 10 friends).

I can pay via Paypal/Skrill/BTC/ETH or via anything you wish. I could really use help from someone who knows this better.

My server is a Windows Server 2012 R2 and has remote desktop access. the gamefiles are in a folder at desktop.


You cannot just disregard those config errors. They will cause conflicts in other places.

I also notice in your rpt that you have config errors regarding the Overwatch mod.

20:03:59 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon vil_USP with scope=private

I can see that you are not loading the Overwatch mod and that you are using the config system/batch file here:

== arma2oaserver.exe  -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

You really need to dump this server install and start with a clean, error free install.

I have made video tutorials on how to do this.


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  • 10 months later...
  On 1/24/2019 at 12:13 AM, kuulpahe said:

Script.log say it its normal or its error to kick peeps or whats happened?

24.01.2019 01:56:44: jonas (ip) id - #15 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"
if (isServer) then {
diag_log "Loading custom server compile"



It's normal, i'm guessing your scripts.txt filters for `compile`

You could whitelist it with:

!"diag_log \"Loading custom server compile"


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