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Custom AI mission


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I am looking to make an AI mission that spawns only once a server restart and doesn't give any notification that it is there. Does anyone have any good info on how to do this? I would like to put them on an island and have them guard some crates that have special loot for people to try and get. Any info would be appreciated.

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  On 1/8/2017 at 1:27 AM, Ghostrider-DbD- said:

we create any map addons needed using the Eden editor. Maca's editor plugin is a convenient way to export your base layouts to an sqf. While it was designed for Exile it works fine for Epoch as well. You can then place custom A3EAI spawns to guard the base.



Thanks Ghost. Can you expound on that? I know how to add in buildings and stuff, but I have a hard time knowing how to add in AI. I really want some static 50's, vehicles and AI.

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  On 1/8/2017 at 4:06 AM, AncientHawk said:

Thanks Ghost. Can you expound on that? I know how to add in buildings and stuff, but I have a hard time knowing how to add in AI. I really want some static 50's, vehicles and AI.



  On 1/8/2017 at 4:06 AM, AncientHawk said:

As someone else said, UPS or ALIVE mods can be used.

VEMFr now provides space in the config for custom, static AI spawns for infantry and static weapons, I believe.

We use A3EAI which provides options for custom spawns. Advantages are that AI have more intelligence and only spawn when players are nearby. Disadvantages are that there is some overhead with spawning / despawning and A3EAI does not support static weapons. You can define the spawn locations in @A3EAI\addons\a3eai_config\a3eai_custom_defs.sqf. An example of the definitiion for Darth_Rogue's Object X99 (Bornholm) follows:

       ["ArmedH1",[4256.91,19799.3,0.00165558],"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",1000,[1,1],1] call A3EAI_createCustomVehicleQueue;
        ["ObjectX1",[7218.28,12069.2,0.00141907],100,5,1,false,0] call A3EAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;

There is a very nice tool provided with A3EAI for generating a list of the spawns which lets you teleport around the map and define the varous locations for the spawns.

Alternatively, you could just place boxes or something in the spots you want AI to spawn, export the sqf and transpose the coordinates into the templates above.

One can also place AI using the editor and export that information to an SQF. If you felt ambitious, you could use calls to functions in VEMFr or blckeagls to place AI but that would be a bit more work. I have not yet added an option for spawning static AI to blckeagls.


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  On 1/8/2017 at 2:13 PM, Ghostrider-DbD- said:


As someone else said, UPS or ALIVE mods can be used.

VEMFr now provides space in the config for custom, static AI spawns for infantry and static weapons, I believe.

We use A3EAI which provides options for custom spawns. Advantages are that AI have more intelligence and only spawn when players are nearby. Disadvantages are that there is some overhead with spawning / despawning and A3EAI does not support static weapons. You can define the spawn locations in @A3EAI\addons\a3eai_config\a3eai_custom_defs.sqf. An example of the definitiion for Darth_Rogue's Object X99 (Bornholm) follows:

       ["ArmedH1",[4256.91,19799.3,0.00165558],"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",1000,[1,1],1] call A3EAI_createCustomVehicleQueue;
        ["ObjectX1",[7218.28,12069.2,0.00141907],100,5,1,false,0] call A3EAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;

There is a very nice tool provided with A3EAI for generating a list of the spawns which lets you teleport around the map and define the varous locations for the spawns.

Alternatively, you could just place boxes or something in the spots you want AI to spawn, export the sqf and transpose the coordinates into the templates above.

One can also place AI using the editor and export that information to an SQF. If you felt ambitious, you could use calls to functions in VEMFr or blckeagls to place AI but that would be a bit more work. I have not yet added an option for spawning static AI to blckeagls.



Thanks for the information Ghost!

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