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Battleye filter question - 1.0.6 related


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When players hit esc on my server they're getting kicked for publicvariablerestriction #0 -    It looks like this in the log: #0 "PVAHR_0_s6t4z4Z9z7x7P1t4Z7I" = <NULL-object>

I've tried making exceptions like so: !=PVAHR_0_s6t4z4Z9z7x7P1t4Z7I  and !="PVAHR_0_s6t4z4Z9z7x7P1t4Z7I" - with no luck - I'm using infistar 1436 released 12-2-2016 filters (same filter as the 1.0.6 stock filter with a couple additions by infistar) on server 1.0.6a - I get the same kick with the default 1.0.6 BE filter that came with the server files, so I think I'm just making the exception incorrectly somehow. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

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Worked like a charm - thanks again!

I have one more bug if you want to point me in a direction - I'm running wicked ai 2.2.0 missions - when players get a vehicle from a mission, before they can get the thing to the trader it explodes - now I remember hearing in a similar issue that had to do with variables.sqf? Either way, any advice on the exploding mission vehicles is greatly appreciated.

I think all the old scripts I've been trying to convert (deploy mozzie/bike-missions that create vehicles) are creating vehicles the wrong way for 1.0.6 or something, I see this new string in the logs with "logic" in it instead of the usual "createvehicle" when vehicles are created the right way or spawned by the server - I wish I had a better knowledge in coding or at least the arma code so I could describe this better. Also lots of "ref to non-network object" in the RPT too, which if I remember right means something has been defined somewhere but the file isn't there?

Ugh... Well that's every issue with my server in one post. It runs great on the surface just the exploding vehicles and nasty looking RPT - still loving 1.0.6 by the way - worth it, I'll get everything straightened out eventually.

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58 minutes ago, _Lance_ said:

Worked like a charm - thanks again!

I have one more bug if you want to point me in a direction - I'm running wicked ai 2.2.0 missions - when players get a vehicle from a mission, before they can get the thing to the trader it explodes - now I remember hearing in a similar issue that had to do with variables.sqf? Either way, any advice on the exploding mission vehicles is greatly appreciated.

I think all the old scripts I've been trying to convert (deploy mozzie/bike-missions that create vehicles) are creating vehicles the wrong way for 1.0.6 or something, I see this new string in the logs with "logic" in it instead of the usual "createvehicle" when vehicles are created the right way or spawned by the server - I wish I had a better knowledge in coding or at least the arma code so I could describe this better. Also lots of "ref to non-network object" in the RPT too, which if I remember right means something has been defined somewhere but the file isn't there?

Ugh... Well that's every issue with my server in one post. It runs great on the surface just the exploding vehicles and nasty looking RPT - still loving 1.0.6 by the way - worth it, I'll get everything straightened out eventually.

Ref to non-network object is more info than warning or error. it occurs any time a reference is made to an object that is created using a command with local effect only, e.g. createVehicleLocal, when you do deletevehicle, setPos, or any command with a global (networked) effect on a local object all clients will receive the Ref to non-network object rpt message.


Not sure about the exploding vehicles, maybe it's infistar doing it. The way vehicles are created hasn't changed much, so it shouldn't result in exploding vehicles. Deploy bike has been updated for 1.0.6



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Thanks for clearing that up - the exploding vehicles is probably a result of me botching the conversion somewhere - and thanks for the heads up on the updated mod, I'll swap mine out with that now, I'm sure I butchered something in the conversion. 

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That's a variable I didn't notice in the script or that I didn't I didn't notice in the "changed variables for 1.0.6 list" - THANK YOU SO MUCH and thanks for requesting on WAI and DZMS, Can't wait!!! Now I just need coins and my 1.0.6 server is DONE :D - Loving it. Thanks again guys, you freakin' ROCK!

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Some of the kicks players are getting are NUTZ! - Not sure how to make exceptions for these they're so "tricky" - any advice would be greatly appreciated.

When users go to last page of epoch journal they get kicked for script restriction -  #7 ""_2","_1","_b","_idc_arr","_extra_kills","_tally_kills","_full_box_count","_partial_box_tally","_add_kills"]; 

When players try to lift some vehicles they get an attachto kick #6 - - #6 50:19  50:7 Survivor2_DZ -1 [0,6,2]    -> (Do I include the numbers around it or just make exception for Survivor2_DZ ? )

And when players hit ESC still getting kicks for publicvariable #0 - - #0 "PVAHR_0_a821g377V7H2U1M6H7f" = <NULL-object>  ( and I already have an exception iComrade suggested of !"PVAHR_0_" )

Sorry to ask stuff like this but I never had much trouble making exceptions in - I think my problem is that Infistar isn't completely up to date for 1.0.6 yet...............I'm running his filters, just guessing, he doesn't respond to support requests... I'm about to ditch infistar and use regular admin tools...

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