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Arma 3 Zombie mods


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Hey guys, I'm wondering which of the millions zombie mods is the best optimized and popular, with various different maps to chose from.

I'd like to play on a zombie mod which have atleast 50-60+ steady playerbase, prefer playing on Namalsk, Tanoa, Caribou, Lingor Island & Panthera Island.

Must be somewhere in EUROPE, english speaking server, thank you.


Can anyone suggest me a mod (might as well suggest me a server which has medium/large server population), which is very well scripted and has very little bugs which takes your life or fucks up your gameplay.

Thank you.

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 Arma 3 Epoch's  forthcoming patch will have full support for Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod, to add zombies to the Epoch list of antagonists. As to maps there do not seem to be many running maps outside of Altis and a few pushing on to Tanoa. will be hard pressed to find a server with Namalsk, Lingor, Panthera or Caribou map in Arma3 Epoch. Having said that Epoch mod supports all CUP terrains so all the old Arma offocial maps are supported.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My personal preference is Ryan's Zombies, using COS to populate towns and villages with wandering infected and native spawns elsewhere. EpochZ gives you a taste of this on Altis. We're planning a second server on a different map - right now, probably Australia :ph34r:

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