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Wasteland Options on Overpoch Server?


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Just wondering if it's possible to add some of the wasteland options to my overpoch server?

Option #1 - Bluefor / Opfor / Independent - I would like to have this option working since it would automatically form alliances

Option #2 - Name tags / Name Plates Only visible to your team mates 

Option #3 - Loot spawning vehicles - this would be a great addition to any map

That's it Just curious..if anyone has a way to do any of this please share!

Thanks, Bricktop 




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#1 they can be turned on, but don't really mean anything. Everything is pretty much hard coded one way.

#2 You can have groups, which will allow tagging via https://github.com/ebaydayz/DZGM

#3 I asked about this a while back and people acted like I was a space alien. It appears doable, but I myself am too lazy to do it.


The architecture of wasteland makes things considerably difficult to blend. It isn't impossible, but you're fighting a lot of built in structure to do it. What you really end up doing is duplicating effort.

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Hello Mr White, 

Thanks for the reply! My goal was to merge the two games but like you said difficult... I'm still working on it though

#1 This is great news and I just need it for players to "pick sides". I'm doing my research now but do you have an Idea where I would look to turn these on?

#2 DZGM is already Installed and plan to use if no other options. (In wasteland you are placed in a group when you pick sides) Is this DZGM too?

#3 I'll keep digging on this one and until then I'll just keep putting loot in vehicles the old fashion way.


Thanks for the help, Bricktop


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I'm not really a pro on the A2 version of wasteland, I've played it on A3 and it was a hoot... so please pardon my ignorance.

in the mission.sqm you can define spawns for the other sides. DZGM doesn't really autojoin people on sides, since the only side enabled generally is blufor I believe it is seen as a constant. If I were to attempt alter code on the DZGM I would probably do as you mentioned. Since A2 doesn't directly link sides to faction (faction is more associated with the player model), that's probably the most viable way of handling it. Funny because I never really thought of it when you mentioned it. I originally was more intent on binding players to faction based on the side they spawned in on... and I gave up.

vehicle spawn can be found in the server_functions.sqf in the server files

Sorry it's late, and my brain is barely functional.

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