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Strange light beneath helicopters at night


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So first time I encountered this glitch when I found a hellcat spawned in wilderness at night. And at first I saw just white light, like ordinary white light from street lamps or supply drops, but approached it and realized it was a hellcat, however at certain distance (about 200 meters) this light disappeared.

Thought a random glitch, but then everytime I come back to a base, I see this light beneath my huron too now. What is it? Glitch, bug or some feature and did anyone else notice it too? Server isn't Vanilla though, no idea if it is related or not.

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It would be much easier for you to test it, since you can see all the helis on the map, teleport 500 meters away from them and then normally approach it. Of course it has to be night time. I have no idea why this glitch is happening, server that I play in isn't vanilla and admins may have enabled some features like you mentioned "light source above player" which may be it. I found out that I do not experience this glitch when I approach my base with another helicopter. Only by foot or land vehicle. I can see that light from around 1km away and it disappears when I am around 200-225 meters away from a base (which has a Huron on top).

Just thought I will let people know about a weird glitch. When I first saw it, I freaked out that my base is being raided or something, so I did 2km flank around it, only to realize that there is nobody there.

I will have to ask other server regulars if they noticed something like that. But majority of them do not even speak english. That's a problem :)

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