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Lootos - My Personal Loot System


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This is my personal Loot System i share with you now.

Hope you enjoy.

You must allow this public variable in your BE filters: mtdr_lootActiveAdd.

Installation: Run it at the end of your init.sqf with: execVM "script_path/script_name.sqf";

Buildings in _mtdr_loot_buildings_class are from DayZ Mod.

I have a tool to help you to fill the _mtdr_loot_buildings_spawnPos array. To share with you later if needed.

private ["_mtdr_loot_buildings_class","_mtdr_loot_buildings_spawnPos","_mtdr_loot_items","_renewTime","_spawnAgain"];
_map_size = 15360;
_map_center = [_map_size/2,_map_size/2,0];
_map_rad = (_map_size * sqrt(2))/2;

//Time after a spawned loot will try to be removed and
//triggered to spawn again accordingly to _spawnAgain
_renewTime = 1800;
_spawnAgain = true;

//Buildings that i want to have Loot Piles
_mtdr_loot_buildings_class = [

//Loot Pile Positions of Buildings in _mtdr_loot_buildings_class
//[[Pile Pos in building Coords,Loot lie on ground?],[Another pos,Another f/t],...]
_mtdr_loot_buildings_spawnPos = [
	[[[ 05.00, 02.00,-01.10],false]],
	[[[-01.14, 01.37,-01.20],false]],
	[[[ 00.50, 05.00,-01.20],false]],
	[[[ 06.16, 05.46,-01.43],false]],
	[[[ 00.00, 03.70,-02.72],false]],
	[[[ 04.70,-00.10,-14.29],false],[[-17.50, 00.00,-14.29],true]],
	[[[-06.90, 00.29,-04.21],false]],

//Items To place on the buildings. Array:
//buildings in _mtdr_loot_buildings_class,
//building preference. The higher the relative value the greater is the preference
//true for quantity* overall / false for quantity* per building
_mtdr_loot_items = [

if (isServer) then {
	private ["_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs","_mtdr_lootTable_bobj","_mtdr_lootTable_item","_mtdr_lootActive","_MTDR_fnc_selectRandom"];
	waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
	//Wait do give the chance to all mod and server custom buildings to spawn
	sleep 10;
	//Predefine loot locations
	_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs = [];
	_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count = [];
		_class = _x;
		_objs = [];
		{if (typeOf _x == _class) then {_objs = _objs + [_x];};} forEach (_map_center nearObjects [_class,_map_rad]);
		_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs = _mtdr_loot_buildings_objs + [_objs];
	} forEach _mtdr_loot_buildings_class;
		_qtt = count _x;
		_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count = _mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count + [_qtt];
	} forEach _mtdr_loot_buildings_objs;
	_mtdr_lootTable_bobj = [];
	_mtdr_lootTable_item = [];
	_MTDR_fnc_selectRandom = {_index = round (random count _this - 0.5);_index};
		_prefArray = _x select 3;
		_perBuild = true;
		_total = 0;
		_totalB = 0;
		_mult = 1;
		if (_perBuild) then {_mult = 0;};
			_total = _total + (_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count select _x) * ((_prefArray select _forEachIndex) * _mult + (1 - _mult));
			_totalB = _totalB + (_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count select _x);
		} forEach (_x select 2);
			_qttB = (_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs_count select _x) * ((_prefArray select _forEachIndex) * _mult + (1 - _mult));
			_prefArray set [_forEachIndex,(_qttB/_total) * 100];
		} forEach (_x select 2);
		diag_log ("[MTDR LOOT] " + str (_x select 0) + ": _prefArray = " + str _prefArray);
		_qtt = _x select 1;
		if !(_x select 4) then {_qtt = round (_qtt * _totalB);};
		for "_i" from 1 to _qtt do {
			_bTypeIndex = 0;
			while {true} do {
				_idx = (_x select 2) call _MTDR_fnc_selectRandom;
				if (random 100 < _prefArray select _idx) exitWith {
					_bTypeIndex = (_x select 2) select _idx;
			_buildObj = (_mtdr_loot_buildings_objs select _bTypeIndex) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
			_buildPos = getPosATL _buildObj;
			_item = (_x select 0) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
			_bIndex = _mtdr_lootTable_bobj find _buildObj;
			if (_bIndex == -1) then {
				_mtdr_lootTable_bobj = _mtdr_lootTable_bobj + [_buildObj];
				_mtdr_lootTable_item = _mtdr_lootTable_item + [_item];
			} else {
				_items = _mtdr_lootTable_item select _bIndex;
				if (typeName _items == "Array") then {
					_newPile = _items + [_item];
					_mtdr_lootTable_item set [_bIndex,_newPile];
				} else {
					_newPile = [_items] + [_item];
					_mtdr_lootTable_item set [_bIndex,_newPile];
	} forEach _mtdr_loot_items;
	mtdr_lootSystemMain = [_mtdr_lootTable_bobj,_mtdr_lootTable_item];
	publicVariable "mtdr_lootSystemMain";
	//Monitor for Abandoned Loot Deletion
	_mtdr_lootActive = [];
	"mtdr_lootActiveAdd" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_mtdr_lootActive = _mtdr_lootActive + [_this select 1];};
	while {true} do {
			_build = _x;
			_time = _build getVariable ["ml_used",0];
			if (time - _time > _renewTime) then {
				_bPos = getPosATL _build;
				_nearP = false;
				{if (_bPos distance _x < 200) exitWith {_nearP = true;};} forEach playableUnits;
				if (!_nearP) then {
					_idx1 = _mtdr_loot_buildings_class find typeOf _build;
					_spawnPosAll = _mtdr_loot_buildings_spawnPos select _idx1;
						_spawnPos = _build modelToWorld (_x select 0);
						_holders = _spawnPos nearObjects ["WeaponHolder",5];
						_holder = objNull;
						if (count _holders > 0) then {
								if (_x getVariable ["ml_hld",false]) exitWith {_holder = _x;};
							} forEach _holders;
						if (!isNull _holder) then {deleteVehicle _holder;};
					} forEach _spawnPosAll;
					_mtdr_lootActive = _mtdr_lootActive - [_build];
					if (_spawnAgain) then {
						_build setVariable ["ml_used",-1,true];
			uiSleep 0.001;
		} forEach _mtdr_lootActive;
		uiSleep 180;

if (hasInterface) then {
	private ["_mtdr_lootTable_bobj","_mtdr_lootTable_item","_mtdr_pPosMain","_mtdr_calc_newBuilds","_mtdr_spawnLoot","_mtdr_lootTable_bobj_local","_mtdr_lootTable_item_local"];
	waitUntil {!isNil "mtdr_lootSystemMain"};
	_mtdr_lootTable_bobj = mtdr_lootSystemMain select 0;
	_mtdr_lootTable_item = mtdr_lootSystemMain select 1;
	_mtdr_pPosMain = getPosATL player;
	//Function to Find Loot buildings near the player
	//They are the ones that will be monitored in the loop
	_mtdr_calc_newBuilds = {
		_mtdr_lootTable_bobj_local = [];
		_mtdr_lootTable_item_local = [];
			_bSize = (sizeOf typeOf _x) * 2;
			_dist = ((_mtdr_pPosMain distance _x) - _bSize) max 0;
			_items = _mtdr_lootTable_item select _forEachIndex;
			if (_dist < 300) then {
				_mtdr_lootTable_bobj_local = _mtdr_lootTable_bobj_local + [_x];
				_mtdr_lootTable_item_local = _mtdr_lootTable_item_local + [_items];
		} forEach _mtdr_lootTable_bobj;
	//Function to Spawn Loot
	_mtdr_spawnLoot = {
		_obj = _this select 0;
		_items = _this select 1;
		if (typeName _items != "Array") then {_items = [_items];};
		_idx1 = _mtdr_loot_buildings_class find typeOf _obj;
		_spawnPosAll = _mtdr_loot_buildings_spawnPos select _idx1;
			_spawnPosArray = _spawnPosAll call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
			_spawnPos = _obj modelToWorld (_spawnPosArray select 0);
			_onGround = _spawnPosArray select 1;
			if (_onGround) then {_spawnPos = [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,0];};
			_holders = _spawnPos nearObjects ["WeaponHolder",5];
			_holder = objNull;
			if (count _holders > 0 && {_x getVariable ["ml_hld",false]} count _holders > 0) then {
					if (_x getVariable ["ml_hld",false]) exitWith {
						_holder = _x;
				} forEach _holders;
			} else {
				_holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",_spawnPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
				_holder setPosATL _spawnPos;
				_holder setVariable ["ml_hld",true,true];
			_isM = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x);
			if (_isM) then {
				_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
			} else {
				_isW = isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x);
				if (_isW) then {
					_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
				} else {
					_isV = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x);
					if (_isV) then {
						_holder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,1];
					} else {
		} forEach _items;
		mtdr_lootActiveAdd = _obj;
		publicVariableServer "mtdr_lootActiveAdd";
	call _mtdr_calc_newBuilds;

	//Monitore for Loot Buildings to activate for player
	while {true} do {
		_pOnFoot = vehicle player == player;
		if (_pOnFoot) then {
			_pPos = getPosATL player;
			_walked = _mtdr_pPosMain distance _pPos;
			if (_walked > 280) then {
				_mtdr_pPosMain = _pPos;
				call _mtdr_calc_newBuilds;
				_walked = 0;
				_bSize = sizeOf typeOf _x;
				_dist = ((_pPos distance _x) - _bSize) max 0;
				if (_dist == 0) then {
					_bUsed = _x getVariable ["ml_used",-1];
					if (_bUsed == -1) then {
						_x setVariable ["ml_used",time,true];
						_items = _mtdr_lootTable_item_local select _forEachIndex;
						[_x,_items] call _mtdr_spawnLoot;
						//systemChat "Loot Especial Matadouro...!";
			} forEach _mtdr_lootTable_bobj_local;
		uiSleep 2;
Edited by Donnovan
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