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[Release] Trader City Stary


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Hello everyone. Just wanted to show you guys, how my Tradingoutpost in stary looks like:


Daytime: Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

Nighttime: Picture 5  Picture 6 Picture 8


Also uploadet the whole code and try to write a tutorial for you:

code @ pastebin:




To include this tradingoutpost you have to download a PBO Manager and use your editor.

skilllevel: low


Open and extract your Mission File: dayz_xxxxx.chernarus.pbo found in "Serverroot\MPMissions"

- backup you mission.sqm found in the maindirectory

- open the links to pastebin and save to code

- copy & paste my mission.sqm you just saved, and overwrite the one in your "mission_file\" maindirectory.


Open and extract your Server.pbo found in "Serverroot\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons"

- add a new directory called "buildings" and copy the stary.sqf in here

- open your server_monitor.sqf found in "dayz_server\system\"

- search for "// Custom Configs" around line 46

- post directly before:

call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\stary.sqf";

- Save your file


Repack your Mission-pbo and server.pbo and have fun!



If you have addet a safezone script in the mission.sqm you have to do that again with the updatet file.  

because i am using "agn tradezone commander" on my server, i have also changed the colour of the marker for the trader citys. they are green now.


i have deleted the whole stary standard outpost and placed the marker over the new outpost. this map addition is serverside, so no client need to load this stuff.



hope you enjoy!

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