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Safe Zones Australia/ Chernarus/ Esseker


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I release safe zone scripts for Australia/ Chernarus/ Esseker.



Original script for Altis is written by Friendly and you can check it out here:




Many thanks go out to him as he did all the scripting and i just did the edits to get it working for the other maps.



Instructions in Readme.md file.



Download here:






Best regards



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Sorry for the late response but i was at work and just arrived home.

If you want to have blackmarket traders within the spawn-safe zones it`s not that hard to get `em in.

The blackmarket script has a function for static traders included. Open the script init.sqf being usually being located in your mission.pbo\trader and jump to line 40. If the map you are using on your server is not listed you have to create a new block of code for it.

For example:

case "australia":{

_staticCoords = [

[[19031.8, 33967, 0],275,false], //these coordinates will replace the spawn zone epoch traders. if you want to keep them just edit the coords slightly

[[34757.4, 13432.1, 0],313.34,false],

[[24407.3, 13957.4, 0],231.976,false],

[[4077.59, 19458.2, 0],93.5839,false]


_blacklistedAreas = [

[[19031.8, 33967, 0],1000], // this makes sure that you don`t have any random spawning blackmarket traders within a radius of 1000m from the safezone

[[34757.4, 13432.1, 0]1000], //you can add more locations in case you don`t want traders to be spawning in specific spots

[[24407.3, 13957.4, 0],1000],

[[4077.59, 19458.2, 0],1000]


_spawnarea = 18000; //distance to search for trader spawn positions - maximum distance to map center


You can add more static traders to the _staticCoords block and if you want them to be in a safe zone you need to edit your mission.sqm and add a new sensor for each additional trader in class Sensors inside of mission.sqm

Just copy/paste the code segment and choose another name for the sensor. make sure that in expCond line the same name is mentioned.

Example: class Item4


position[]={12345.67, 9.8765, 12345.67}; //for this the coordinates have to be in another order








expCond="(player distance traderalphasafezone) < 250;"; // You can adjust the radius to your liking

expActiv="hint ""You have entered A Safe Zone! Do not fire in the Safe Zones.""; inSafeZone = true;";

expDesactiv="hint ""You are leaving the Safe Zone!""; inSafeZone = false;";

class Effects




IMPORTANT: If you add more items to class Sensors you must use consecutive numbers and you have to change the total item count at the beginning of class Sensors. Item0 is being calculated too so in the end the total count of items in classSensors is always one more than you have class Items in it.

This is the way for manually adding sensors.

I suggest to use the Arma3 built in editor to create new sensors as the changes to the mission.sqm will be automatically generated and you won`t encounter any issues. At least you shouldn`t.

If you want these safe zones marked exactly the same as the other safe zones you need to add more segments in class Markers but i don`t suggest it tho as your ingame map would look like a christmas tree.

Once a player is approaching a safe zone trader he will get the same hint he get`s when entering a safe zone and i think that`s enough but up to you of course. :)

There is another option to add safe zones to a location:

you can open your map.h file for example australia.h being located in @epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo\configs\maps and add protection zones to specific coordinates in the propsPos block.

Make sure that you set a comma after the last line before the newly added segment starts and that you don`t have a comma after it.


{"Land_GarbagePallet_F", {20732.6, 12901.8, 0}, 0},

{"Land_GarbagePallet_F", {20862.9, 12672, 0}, 0},

{"Land_GarbageBags_F", {20916.4, 12695.6, 0}, 0},

{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 19031.8, 33967, 0 }, 0, true },

{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", {34757.4, 13432.1, 0 }, 0, true },

{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 24407.3, 13957.4, 0 }, 0, true },

{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", {4077.59, 19458.2, 0 }, 0, true }

These protection zones only have a 25 m radius so if you want to use this option for your safe zones i would suggest that you use m3 editor for placing more protection zones in each location to increase the diameter for the safe zone.

Or you can use a script (by SadBoy1981) for adding these protection zones:

Create a new file called "protection.sqf" (or name it whatever you want) and put following code inside:

private ["_objects"];

_objects = [

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23710.1, 16250.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23710.1, 16225.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23710.1, 16200.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23685.1, 16250.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23685.1, 16225.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23685.1, 16200.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23660.1, 16250.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23660.1, 16225.1, 0.01]],

["ProtectionZone_Invisible_F",[23660.1, 16200.1, 0.01]]



private ["_obj"];

_obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_obj setvectorup [0,0,1];

_obj setPosATL (_x select 1);

} foreach _objects;

Replace the coordinates with your own and delete or add more depending on how much you need.

Put the file in the root (or any folder) of your mission.pbo and call it from the init.sqf like:

[]execVM "protection.sqf";

Hope that`s what you are searching for.

Best regards

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you can adjust the count of random spawning traders and you can spawn static traders. to the static traders you can add safe zones. in case you want to add safe zones to random spawning traders i cant tell ya unfortunately as my knowledge in coding is very limited. im at the beginning and have to learn so much stuff which isnt easy for an old fart:)


if you wanna add safe zones to static traders i could offer some help tho. if you send me your mission.pbo to info@tacongaminingmilita i could implement some static traders and add safe zones to them.


but i couldn`t tell ya how long it would take as for the time being im very busy with work and with my son so i only have spare time to work on such things plus i have some other projects running beside for the community im rollin with.


and just btw...there really is no need to call me sir :)

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