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HiveExt and DB


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My server was set up by my private dedicated hoster and instead of the usual HiveExt.ini I'm used to it was replace with a file called writer.pl. now when i spawn a vehicle in through the hive. This error pops:

19:45:45   Error position: <_resultArray

19:45:45   Error Undefined variable in expression: _resultarray
19:45:45 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 172
19:45:45 Error in expression <y call server_hiveReadWrite;
_outcome = _result select 0;
if(_outcome == "PASS")>
19:45:45   Error position: <_result select 0;
if(_outcome == "PASS")>
19:45:45   Error Undefined variable in expression: _result
19:45:45 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\AH.sqf, line 12260
19:45:45 "ATTEMPT READ/WRITE: CHILD:388:11553512771703366:"
19:45:45 Error in expression <WRITE: " + _key);

_resultArray = nil; 


ALSO, my Object_DATA doesn't seem to be syncing with the server either.

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writer.pl is a linux file, your host is running linux rather than windows.

Get in touch with their support team with the issues, it's what you pay them for :)


Any help you got here you most likely wouldn't have access to the file to fix.

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19:45:45 Error in expression <WRITE: " + _key);

_resultArray = nil;




This is a common problem with Linux-Servers, the thing is it doesnt access the Database directly, it "buffers" the Database in a cache.

This allows the Server to have a great performance but on the other hand it will give you a pain in the ass to spawn vehicles with keys.


It is possible to spawn locked vehicles with the Epoch-Admin-Tools, but so far i dont know of another way to spawn locked vehicles without getting them despawned.

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