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Vanilla epoch with infistar script issue



I have been redoing this over and over for an hour or two thinking that im just being a retard but for the life of me i cannot figure this out.


Server RPT : http://pastebin.com/8urudzCz


Player RPT: http://pastebin.com/WQVEXNDZ


Please let me know if you can offer any insight i followed infistar instructions to the letter and was unable to get in game.


Here is my scripts file as well : http://pastebin.com/Ehhpy5Fi

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I have been redoing this over and over for an hour or two thinking that im just being a retard but for the life of me i cannot figure this out.


Server RPT : http://pastebin.com/8urudzCz


Player RPT: http://pastebin.com/WQVEXNDZ


Please let me know if you can offer any insight i followed infistar instructions to the letter and was unable to get in game.


Here is my scripts file as well : http://pastebin.com/Ehhpy5Fi

 OK I suggest that you go here regarding inifSTAR issues http://board.infistar.de/

This is epoch website not inifSTAR, just aheads up before this thread get out of hand too with "Team EpochAH"

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We can't figure the scripts out either....we on our 3rd day....We got it working but now everyone is getting kicked "Battleeye" Variable restriction #0 ....FML ....willing to hire a scripter! 


What exactly is it saying they are being kicked for? is is PublicVariable or SetVariable etc... Either way here is what you need to do... go to sc/battleeye and open up PublicVariable.log (or WhateverVariable.log that you are being kicked for). Go to the last entry on that file.... See exactly what it says and copy that. Then go to your WhateverVariable.txt file and add it to this file just like you would a script filter for adding mods... ex. !="whatever it said in xxxxxVariable.log" I hope this helps but without you posting your RPT and LOG files thares not much else I can do. I use the same AH and I was able to fix my issue by performing these actions... PM me for any assistance.

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