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Safezones (updated orignal post)



How do you add safe zones?  The script I was using on my old server wont run on my new one.  I have tried a few others that I have found as well.  One problem might be that the safezone script does not know i'm in a trader.  Meaning when I enter a trader It said I was in a trader city, or if I tried to log out at a trader it said I could not because I was in a trader city.  Now when I enter a trader it does not tell me, also I can log out in trader's.


Where is the file that has the trader city location info in it?  Not sure if the coordinates got deleted or if it's a conflict with other scripts\mods.


Thanks Mike

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I personally use infistar safezone with sensors and it works fine

	class Item0
		expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 300;";
		expActiv="inSafeZone = true; titleText[""Welcome to trader city Stary God mode ON and Weapon Safety ON"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false;"; 
		expDesactiv="inSafeZone = false; titleText[""Leaving trader city Stary God mode OFF and Weapon Safety OFF"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true;";
		class Effects

Edit: You can edit sensors and tradezone names in mission.sqm (mission pbo/folder)

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Antichrist I just changed my mission.sqm for stary to look like yours.  I restarted the server and when I went to stary I still did not get told I was entering a trader or that I was in a safezone.  Is there something else within infistar or something that has to be turned on?  Here is what mine looks like.  I do have zupa's coin system and advanced trading, along with other scripts installed.  Not sure if these matter.

class Item0
			expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 300;";
			expActiv="inSafeZone = true; titleText[""Welcome to trader city Stary God mode ON and Weapon Safety ON"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false;";
			expDesactiv="inSafeZone = false; titleText[""Leaving trader city Stary God mode OFF and Weapon Safety OFF"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true;";
			class Effects
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I made a file in my custom folder called safezone.sqf.  Inside that file I pasted what you put in the pastebin link.  I then went into my init and pasted [] execVM "custom\safezone.sqf";  So it looks like this


if (isServer) then {
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";
    //Compile vehicle configs
    // Add trader citys
    _nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf";
    _serverMonitor =     [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf";
[] execVM "custom\safezone.sqf";


I did not make a safezone folder and then make an init file to paste the pastebin stuff in.  Since I did not have anything to put the safezone folder.  Since it's a PvE server the safezone's are not a big deal, I just don't want zombies hitting players or AI shooting players in the traders(mainly stary).   Another script/mod has to be messing with it.

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I tried installing the AGN safezones today from here http://opendayz.net/threads/epoch-safe-zone-commander-god-anti-backpack-stealing-no-shooting-no-vehicle-weapons.14877/ When I load into the server I get this message on the bottom left of the screen

[AGN] Trader Zone Commander Loaded!  Then under it is the stuff saying infistar loaded.  However the same thing happens when I go to a trader it says nothing and I can still get hit by zeds and whatever else.  In the RPT the only agn message I see is this


20:04:19 "[AGN] Starting Trader City Safezone Commander!"
20:04:19 "Error: Attempting to start AGN products on a server where it should not be!"

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Here is the file name agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf it's in the AGN folder.  Here is whats in the init file


[] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\NWAF.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\HeliRefuel.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\Novy.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\Balota.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\Kamenka.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\military.sqf";  
[] execvm "AGN\agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf";



The agn_safezone  I put these " on it.  The instruction show this  '  I just changed it to try it.  It still gives the same error.

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