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Can't get the game to work, tried many things


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Hey guys, I just cannot seem to get Epoch to work. Here's what i've done so far;


Installed Arma2, Arma2 OA and DayZ Mod through Steam. Launched them all at least once.


Installed the Arma2 Beta Patch.


Installed Six. Set it to use Beta Patch and to launch Epoch. The game launches fine, reports that it is running DayZ, Epoch, Beta Patch. Crashes when I click on 'multiplayer'.


Installed DayZ Commander. Installed Epoch through commander. Launch game and everything seems fine. Attempting to connect to any server (I checked version numbers and made sure they match) kicks me from the server for either missing files, or having files I shouldn't have. 


Tried using command line tags in Steam and launching from there. Used -mod=@DayZ_Epoch for the DayZ mod, and tried that as well as -mod=@DayZ; -mod=@DayZ_Epoch on OA. Get an error report saying .cherarus file is missing. 


I've tried verifying files and redownloading all files. I don't know where to go from here.

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You don't need the Dayz mod to play Epoch. You also can't pay Epoch with the beta version of Arma 2 OA. You need the latest stable version which is what you get from Steam add long as you don't opt into the beta.

Download DayzLauncher at http://DayzLauncher.comand you can install the proper files from there.

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