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[Discussion] - Custom Server Pack


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Well fixed the script restriction issue for sarge. Also fixed remove clothes restrictions.


All that's left is the towing (Tried refreshing with a previous working pack and updated the config again.. still not working) Probably just gonna leave it out anyway till next update and try and work in locked vehicle exceptions


After that just need someone to look at the Basebuilding side of things again if TayTay isn't around at the current?.

I am a new in regards to this script but feel it could be a valuable asset to keep things going until the team develop their own housing and more buildings/objects and would like to keep it in.


Other than that. Razorman you are spot on.


Replace your mission bpo or folder with the mission files and your Battleye folder with the contents.


Will release a full working pack asap as well as more guides on how to use it.


(The one currently still has some BE bugs, so be warned)

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Hey Bungle, glad to see you got most things fixed. A good friend of mine that is familiar with the context menus and the R3F mod from running a previous server. He's willing to take a look and try to figure out why the towing mod isn't showing up/activating in the context menus for the vehicles. Mind sending me an updated version of your modpack?

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Also the latest pack look for this in the init.sqf


// Loadout config
DefaultMagazines = ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","ItemBloodbag","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","HandRoadFlare","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled"];
DefaultWeapons = ["ItemWatch","DMR","M9SD"];
DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Backpack_EP1";
DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";

You will notice i have left in a DMR and M9SD to spawn, you should remove them before starting it up. 

// Loadout config
DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","HandRoadFlare","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled"];
DefaultWeapons = ["ItemWatch"];
DefaultBackpack = "";
DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";

Sorry about that, it was raw from my testing server.

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One thing I see missing in the DB i the deploy able table since most of the coding is for Bliss/Reality. Might need to add the script to create that table too. Looking thought he Reality stuff found creation of the Table and then added the Base Building. Might be worth the trouble to add this in??

create table if not exists deployable (
  id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,
  class_name varchar(100) default null,

  primary key pk_deployable (id),
  unique key uq1_deployable (class_name)
) character set utf8 engine=InnoDB;
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (9,'Sandbag1_DZ');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (9,'Base_WarfareBBarrier10x');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (7,'Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (41,'CamoNet');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (38,'Concrete_Wall_EP1');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (42,'DeerStand');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (22,'Fence_corrugated_plate');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (33,'Fence_Ind');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (31,'Fence_Ind_long');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (32,'Fort_RazorWire');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (52,'Gate1_DZ');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (35,'Grave');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (47,'HBarrier');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (3,'Hedgehog_DZ');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (19,'Hhedgehog_concrete');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (39,'Infostand_2_EP1');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (17,'Ins_WarfareBContructionSite');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (51,'LadderSmall');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (40,'Land_BagFenceRound');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (25,'Land_CamoNetB_EAST');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (26,'Land_CamoNetB_NATO');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (27,'Land_CamoNetVar_EAST');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (28,'Land_CamoNetVar_NATO');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (29,'Land_CamoNet_EAST');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (30,'Land_CamoNet_NATO');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (2,'Land_CncBlock');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (10,'Land_fortified_nest_big');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (14,'Land_fortified_nest_small');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (34,'Land_fort_bagfence_long');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (12,'Land_fort_rampart_EP1');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (11,'Land_Fort_Watchtower');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (13,'Land_HBarrier_large');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (15,'Land_Misc_Cargo2E');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (21,'Land_prebehlavka');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (18,'Land_pumpa');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (24,'Land_tent_east');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (16,'Misc_Cargo1Bo_military');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (20,'Misc_cargo_cont_small_EP1');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (49,'Sandbag2_DZ');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (50,'Sandbag3_DZ');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (45,'SandBagNest');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (48,'Scaffolding');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (1,'TentStorage');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (8,'WarfareBCamp');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (6,'WarfareBDepot');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (44,'WatchTower');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (46,'Wire2');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (43,'Wire_cat1');
INSERT INTO `deployable` (`id`,`class_name`) VALUES (23,'ZavoraAnim');

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You are probably right. And it does bloat the mission file quite a bit.

Until refined I think I will leave out Base building.


Stand by for a new release soon... This will be a Full release 1.0 with guides on enabling/disabling additions and configuration.


From there I will look to release incremental updates with new options and additions.

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Well I have reworked it removing the bulk and Base building (For now)


Thanks for everyone for your time assisting me in getting this working and A special thanks the programmers who worked on making the scripts themselves to make this all possible.


Look here for a 1.0 Release and future releases to come. This can be kept for discussion if you wish.



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