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[Help] Adding a "Trading Box" in Safe Zones.



So I am strongly thinking about adding in a anti theft script to my server to prevent players from getting into each others back packs when they are in a trade city. But wait, what if someone wanted to trade with another person, or a group is in the trade city and one guy is holding all the money.


Enter "Trade Box", just a simple object that has an inventory and can hold guns, ammo, and backpacks. I am looking for an object, like a ammo create that spawns in empty on server start and players can use to dump items in or trade with other player. It would have no security, any one can take from it, any one can place into it.


I know how to spawn in ammo crates as objects or filled with guns, but I don't know how to spawn in empty ones, and I don't know if I can configure the space it has. Can I call it like a call my other map edits, through a .sqf? Or will this need deeper code edits? I could just use one of the build-ables from the epoch code, but they are too big. I need something small so i can tuck it in a corner away from locked cars so the " Lock Gear in Locked Vehicles" interface doesn't interfere with it.(or players cant troll people)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I like that idea. A player on my server came with this not long ago as well.


Maybe you can, for example, place a safe and edit it in MySQL (make code 0000 or something, don't know if no code works)



But about trading between players, why not something like this?:




This is just an example from a mmorpg, but the idea behind it is that if you aim at someone you'd get a menu from which you can select "ask trade" or something.

Then this extra menu will popup where you can drag the items you wish to trade with someone. Could give some more perspective to the whole idea of trading, and player interactivity.

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Why not place a tent at each trader, and add the no theft scripts. Then players could use a single tent to trade.


If added via .sqf like buildings then they would not store on the DB and be emtpy on each restart. If they were placed via a player the contents could persist across restarts. If you got the coordinates and directions you could just add them to the DB with a special charID then make sure that the last used date is reset on each restart via server pbo or mission file server sided.


You could use any empty weapon/ammo crate, that DayzEpoch allows to be spawned. Some hold different ammounts so you would have to play around with it. 

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