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Explosives Question(s)


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Couple questions in regards to explosives:


  1. If I put AT mines right next to each other (let's say a straight line 5m wide) and then an explosive charge on the end of it, when I trigger the explosive charge remotely, will that set off the rest of the AT mines? 
  2. If you park a vehicle in a location and then put AT mines next to it, will it explode by proximity? Or do the wheels actually have to go OVER the top of the AT mine? 
  3. Is it possible to shoot any/all of the explosives with a primary weapon (let's say a 7.62 for the sake of discussion) to trigger it? 
  4. Is there an approximate "danger zone" surrounding all proximity triggered explosives? Aka: how close can I get to one when it's live before triggering it? Or are they all different?
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Could you send me a link/tutorial? I'm not above doing some leg work... I just figured I'd ask here to see if anyone was willing to share and, if they were, others could benefit.


I can't answer your questions and in case anyone else can't, it should be easy to test all of these things yourself. 


A little googling about how to use the editor might help, but the videos I found seems a little complicated for what you need. I just got the basics from messing around with it, maybe you can too, it is mostly intuitive. I found a large playlist that may be of some help. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHP6_nkZ-vfuZSwRSN1A3FH0HlVijkNuP

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I could test these out when I get home from work in the morning.

Appreciated, but at your own leisure. Thanks for even offering! 


I can't answer your questions and in case anyone else can't, it should be easy to test all of these things yourself. 


A little googling about how to use the editor might help, but the videos I found seems a little complicated for what you need. I just got the basics from messing around with it, maybe you can too, it is mostly intuitive. I found a large playlist that may be of some help. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHP6_nkZ-vfuZSwRSN1A3FH0HlVijkNuP

Ahhhh... that looks like a great playlist! I'm JUST starting to play with Editor & work on some cinematics, but this series looks like it'll be very useful... for things even beyond this thread's request. Thanks a lot for the link !

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We tried some bits the other day, put down a APERS Mine and an AT Mine next to each other, Shooting them did nothing. Put down a Explosive Satchel next to them both and touched it off, this blew up the the mines and took some walls with it to! So far have found Explosive Satchel does not destroy walls had been able to detroy walls with Explosive Charges.

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We tried some bits the other day, put down a APERS Mine and an AT Mine next to each other, Shooting them did nothing. Put down a Explosive Satchel next to them both and touched it off, this blew up the the mines and took some walls with it to! So far have found Explosive Satchel does not destroy walls had been able to detroy walls with Explosive Charges.


I think for convenience's sake, I'm just going to assume that guns won't trigger the mines (reliably) and I want to daisy chain explosives, I need either an Explosive Charge or an Explosive Satchel to set them off. 

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So this is my calculations on what it would take to get through a wood frame that's been updated with corrugated steel... based on the assumption that it takes 3 satchels to take it down. I think that's right? I don't know what the actual "hitpoints" are for the upgraded wood wall or cinder walls are... does anyone? (And this is assuming that you put the close-range AT mines right up against the wall and the Explosive Charge/Satchel are within range)



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I think for convenience's sake, I'm just going to assume that guns won't trigger the mines (reliably) and I want to daisy chain explosives, I need either an Explosive Charge or an Explosive Satchel to set them off. 

Actually , I have no problem setting off mines by shooting them ( reliably ) , because they are set off by contact ( or proximity as well w bounding ) , of course satchel , pipe ( explosive charge ) and claymore are set by remote or timer , on a side note , if you die after setting down your satchel/claymore/pipe , without setting them ,  they become ineart / useless . Mines on the other hand are deadly until server reset ! :)

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