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Hacker Identification



Hi there,


We recently had a visit by a hacker named "SLOG". He spawned in a bunch of hotels and an invisible siren. Then TPed everyone and killed them. His name is not in my DART, or player_data in DB, or in createvehicle.log. I can see him in my RPT, but his GUID is not listed. Is there another log I can look into? Thanks

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I tend to call these people 'lonesome script kiddies' and not hackers ,) There's a big difference.

But of course that does not make it better for you hehe. Just not to put too much attention to these very poor piece of shit people.

He again did not get any friends last year from the Christ Child laying the goods under the Christmas tree...the poor soul.


Maybe you can put something like this into your init.sqf:

if (isServer) then {
onPlayerConnected 'diag_log format ["CONNECT LOG: Name: %1 connected, -- UID: %2 -- ID:%3",_name, _uid,_id];';


If the name or uid is empty you could kick the player back to lobby or kick him via battleye like storm or hambeast showed here:


I have no idea of that helps or not...but maybe it makes it a bit more difficult for kids with less powerful scripts.

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