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Cars blowing up inside buildings


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I have seen this on both Altis and chernarus now.

Im guessing its becouse loot items are spawning in and messing with the cars, but why is it happening when it didnt on arma2.

Is there a way to fix it or should we just not use buildings as bases.

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I noticed same behavior sometimes after server restarts and a player comes back to base. What I think happens is that Arma is trying to initialize the vehicles by setting vehicle's direction to north and then back to the direction set in the database record. I lost several HEMMIT trucks this way because they were sitting too close to each other. Nowadays, I keep my vehicles away from any buildings and other vehicles. All pointed north when parked for the night too.

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May have to do with enablevehiclesimulation being set to false in the Epoch_load_vehicles.sqf in the server files as well, so the vehicles are just sitting there floating until someone comes along, often they stay there floating and don't load properly until someone gets in them, then they go boom with the person in them, fun times.

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As mentioned you have to have enough room around the vehicle for it to be able to do a complete 360 degree turn.


As server restarts vehicles move around when they spawn in and if it hits anything it'll blow up.


Ever since I did that I have not had one blow up.

It's an Arma3 issue. Not an Epoch one.

We have to adapt.



I also was told about the North rule but I have never followed it and the few vehicles I do have all have been fine having enough room around them.

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I've never had an issue with them, parked several in a row, around trees, on wood floors....no issues.


You are lucky I guess.


I've had them blow up sitting there at server restart when they spawned in,  I've had them blow up while I was using them when entering them for no reason at all.


I've lost more vehicles to these glitches than actually crashing them or getting them shot out from under me.


I've had vehicles do complete rolls around a corner and land back on their wheels with zero damage as well... go figure.

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So you guys have worked this out right? Vehicles load in pointing North then rotate into position, it would seem they still handleDamage whilst doing this so they get damaged and damage things around them, try pointing your vehicles North when parking them and at least 1m away from everything else, see how you go, since we started doing it we've not had one problem.


The other issue that happens occasionally because vehicle simulation is off (at least it seems) is that you get in a vehicle and simulation enables then the vehicle explodes, because it's taken damage at some point but can't do the actions of a damaged vehicle until someone comes along and gets in it.

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I didn't follow the "Point North" rule.. I just made sure there is enough room around the vehicle so it can do a 360.. Seems to work so far.


Just means you cannot build as tight as you would like or get the most out of your usable area.


They should incorporate an immunity or god counter for vehicles when server restart for about 15 to 20 seconds.. that should at least keep them from blowing up when they bounce around or move at server restarts.

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You can´t change the issue with the spawn and damage, all vehicles also gettin dmg every 5 minits, just look at a truck or quad its spinn all minits 0.1m arround.


The best idea i think is, to set the jammer frequence and the vehicles in god mode, in range. Because you have to much kids they also destroy all vehicles with even guns or helis. This is shit.

Have anyone an idea for script?

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You can´t change the issue with the spawn and damage, all vehicles also gettin dmg every 5 minits, just look at a truck or quad its spinn all minits 0.1m arround.


The best idea i think is, to set the jammer frequence and the vehicles in god mode, in range. Because you have to much kids they also destroy all vehicles with even guns or helis. This is shit.

Have anyone an idea for script?

Actually they can change the spawn in damage. I already detailed how. We just can't do it at the moment without breaking our servers.

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im not liking some of the heli swams on altis, ive brought 7 heils from different traders and the helis either blow up on swarm or swarm then slide down a hill then blow up lol, ive only had 2mins flying time so far (from trader to base) in a hummingbird and parked it on my base, and after server restart gone.

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im not liking some of the heli swams on altis, ive brought 7 heils from different traders and the helis either blow up on swarm or swarm then slide down a hill then blow up lol, ive only had 2mins flying time so far (from trader to base) in a hummingbird and parked it on my base, and after server restart gone.


If you mean when you buy them where they appear at a trader.. Yes I think they need to look at that.


I've seen people buy a heli at a trader and it spawns ontop the building and insta-blows up.


I try not to buy any vehicle at a trader that has lot of houses or hills immediately around it and when I do buy one I clear the area.  Don't want it dropping on my head. lol

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