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Day light 24/7


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Set server to restart every 4 hours.


Open epochconfig.hpp (in @EpochHive folder)


Edit :



StaticDateTime[] = {0,0,0,9,0};

timeMultiplier = 1;



Safe. Run, Have fun !


(This sets your server to start fixed at 9am, without time multiplier. By the time your server restarts its 13:00 , still daytime).

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just did this it's still dark after server restart this is what i have


// Time based 
StaticDateTime[] = {}; // {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
timeDifference = 0; // Server uses real time this will allow you to offset just the hour.
timeMultiplier = 0; // Sets a time multiplier for in-game time. The command range is now capped at 0.1 - 120 to avoid performance problems.
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:D  I learned the hard way, some 20 years ago already to REALLY pay attention to //  :D


Easily overlooked.


And yes, for those who wonder :


StaticDateTime[] = {0,0,0,8,0}; // 




StaticDateTime[] = {}; // {0,0,0,8,0}


The 1st one is the one that works, the 2nd on is an example of what you could use, but the array itself is empty {}

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anyone know a cycle say 5 hours day light and 1 hour night, this on a 6 hour auto restart.

It gets dark at around 17:30 , but dusk takes a while.


You could speedup with time multiplier 2, then you want 17:30 - (5 * 2 ) = 7:30 as start, time multiplier 2, so 1 hour before restart it gets 17:30 and a pretty short dusk giving about an hour dark.

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