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Where you playing daytime or night time in the server? Do you go to big cities or tend to stay in the woods?


The more trash piles you loot the more likely creatures will spawn.


Area's you're almost certain to find some : Kavala, on the highway between Kore and Kavala, Pyrghos military base, The terminal, The Dump, etc.

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Is there a way to increase the spawn rate of antagonists. At the moment you can play from multiple hours and not run into any at all. Making the world quite empty and no real threat.

They will spawn if you loot something in a building and/or kill a trader. If you loot trash piles it will not spawn an antagonist (to my knowledge).


from what I can see, they spawn behind you at a distance then catch up to you.. meaning if you keep moving in a straight line, you may not notice an antagonist. I feel that this needs to be edited a bit, but as noted they are planning on adding a bunch of other things so be patient.


I feel that they should add the event trigger to looting trash piles and making them spawn either closer to you or causing them to spawn infront of your player.

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I started playing Epoch for ArmA3 on Saturday. I've probably logged about 10 hours total playtime on two different servers hosting the Altis and Bornholm maps. I have been looting constantly for gear and $$$. So far I have seen/killed one drone and a creature that looks like a zombie. I have not killed any traders. I seem to hear a growling noise off in the distance occasionally when I'm looting buildings, but I never see anything. AI missions and roaming AI will fill the gap eventually. Currently it is too quiet on a PVE server. I'm used to roaming AI where you can be shot at anywhere at anytime. That creates tension and keeps a player on edge.  

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