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Low height drops insta-killing ?


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So ive stepped off the side of a small flight of stairs and died instantly, I've jumped off a small embankment and died instantly. Hell i've even stepped off a small rock and died instantly.


I dont know about you guys but I'd rather suffer the nightmare of A2epoch broken legs than to be killed outright from small drops!


Is this something that can be and is going to be fixed ?

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ARMA is ARMA.. Epoch has already raised the health which I don´t like.


I hit a guy with the Vannad and jumped out shot him twice with a 6.5 then He turned around and one shot killed Me with a .50. ARMA is not fair and I dont think it ever will be : /


Don´t matter ARMA still rules.. lol

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On the subject of jumping, I've seen a few vids of A3 Epoch on YT where the jump animation looks similar (or same) as the one in Breaking Point, while when I play on MGT or WTP and use the jump when running, it's like this glitched out animation thingie? Any ideas what's up with that?

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