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Unlocking a Vehicle say my key code is <Null>



When ever I unlock a vehicle and the key code comes up on screen like eg: <1234> mine don't show like that mine says <Null> why does It do that? 


Below I will paste a section of my server.RPT this section show that I sold a GSJ_GyroC and then brought a new one right after. I then Unlock it and it comes up <null> so I log out.



12:55:25 "EPOCH SERVERTRADE: Player: Real-Killer [RHD] (76561198077094211) sold a CSJ_GyroC in/at Unknown Trader for 2000x Coins"
12:55:25 "DELETE: B 1-1-B:1 (Real-Killer [RHD]) REMOTE Deleted by ID: 306"
12:55:27 "DZAI Extended Debug: Despawning group O 1-1-A with 2 active units."
12:55:27 "DZAI Debug: Despawned AI units at DZAI_Gvozdno. Reset trigger's group array to: []."
12:55:31 "DZAI Debug: Deleting static group O 1-1-A."
12:55:49 "EPOCH SERVERTRADE: Player: Real-Killer [RHD] (76561198077094211) bought a CSJ_GyroC in/at Unknown Trader for 4000x Coins"
12:55:49 "PUBLISH: Attempt 3592c100# 1058668: arrow_down_large_ep1.p3d REMOTE"
12:55:49 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:308:11:CSJ_GyroC:0:8702:[197,[12072.7,12667.3,0]]:[]:[]:1:1207271266730734:""
12:55:50 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:1207271266730734:""
12:55:50 "CUSTOM: Selected "349""
12:55:50 "PUBLISH: B 1-1-B:1 (Real-Killer [RHD]) REMOTE Bought CSJ_GyroC with ID "1207271266730734""
12:56:36 "DZAI Extended Debug: Despawning group O 1-1-B with 2 active units."
12:56:36 "DZAI Debug: Despawned AI units at DZAI_Krasnostav. Reset trigger's group array to: []."
12:56:46 "DZAI Debug: Deleting static group O 1-1-B."
12:56:51 "get: STRING (76561198077094211), sent: STRING (76561198077094211)"
12:56:51 "DISCONNECT: Real-Killer [RHD] (76561198077094211) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Real-Killer [RHD]) REMOTE, _characterID: 2 at loc [12060.1,12635,0.0584259]"
And here Is the full server.RPT in case its needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6014d3h93g91x59/server.rpt?dl=0
Any help with this annoying little issue would be awesome and much appreciated.
Just found this in the client RPT
  Error position: <_key], "PLAIN"];
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _key
File z\addons\dayz_code\actions\unlock_veh.sqf, line 19
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
Error in expression <xt [format["%1 used to unlock vehicle.",_key], "PLAIN"];
  Error position: <_key], "PLAIN"];
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _key
File z\addons\dayz_code\actions\unlock_veh.sqf, line 19
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: CSJ_GyroC]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: Worker2]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: Worker2]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: Worker2]"
"fn_actons: [PlayerUID: 76561198077094211] [_ownerID: 0] [_isModular: false] [typeOfCursorTarget: Worker2]"
Here is the link to the full client.rpt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2jnjv2tk19v1us/clinet.rpt?dl=0
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I played on a server that would allow you to claim a vehicle randomly spawned in by the server. Once claimed you was able to lock and unlock it

But the min the server owner added this all brought vehicles would lose the ability to lock/unlock after a restart. I don't know where the script is on here but if you have that on your server and you are having those problems try removing it, I know this isn't much help but I don't know what those errors mean

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Have you ever found a fix for this?

Nevermind, made a mistake while installing Plot4Life

What was the mistake please? I have made it too! XD


*edit* woot found it hehe


When integrating Plot 4 Life, there are changes to the fn_selfactions.sqf; the line that adds the scroll option for Unlock Vehicle is using _temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _ownerID) where P4L is using _temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _characterID)


I changed it from ownerID to characterID and it looks to be normal again :D

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