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zupa coin and bank system with Multiple Character



Hi I am really struggling with this I have been trying to get zupa coin and bank system with Multiple Character to work for 48 hours and I just cant seem to get this working. It 100% down to me doing something wrong It has to be it works for everyone else.


Could I get a little help please?


All I want Is the coin system and bank with multiple characters. No matter what I try I just cant get this to work :S


Would anyone happen to have a Server.pbo and Mission.pbo I could use with only Coin system + bank and multiple characters set up ready to use please?


Would It matter If I used DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus OR DayZ_Epoch_17.Chernarus would that make any difference at all? as I am using 11 To be honest I don't know what's different in the 11 and 17.


If somebody could be kind enough to help me out with the working .pbo's I would appreciate it very much I will be happy to put your name on my loading screen to give credit for your help. Its not much to give back but Its all I can do :S


All I get when I run the server Is spammed with: Mission DayZ Epoch Chernarus read from directory. In my server console.


And If I try to join the server I get stuck at wait for host.

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Peterbeer has a working Chernarus pack with SC2.0 and Banks.

It can be found here: 


This is ment for a fresh server, so you need to add all scripts etc you want after you got this running.


In the Great Library is a link to add Multiple Character support with SC.

Here is the link: 


Maybe it's an idea to wait for SC 3.0 to be released?

Zupa is working on that

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Ok I have over written all the files as the instructions say so the server is using ONLY these files and I tried to launch the server using only your top link and it gets stuck on wait for host.


So does the pack not work without the custom HiveExt.dll Release? I am about to download it and follow there instructions but i am pretty sure I have already tried all this.

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You have overwritten both mission.pbo and server.pbo?

Also you need to overwrite the 5 dll's provided in the pack and you need to run the query to create a new table and alter the character_data


I did all the above on a fresh hosted server from FPG and worked on the first startup.


If you have done all the above and still get errors, can you post your server RPT and client RPT?

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Oh im not with a hoster right now I am creating it on my home computer and on the 26th I am renting a server Im just trying to get some of the work done but this coin and banking system is stopping me from progressing. the basic server files work perfect I also downloaded sheeps repack with all his scripts and that worked too but the seconds i even look at the coin system it breaks everything :(


Anyway I have looked though every file on the server and can not see any RPT file :S would it be like something.rpt? I will have another look but couldn't find anything like it.

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I don't think there are "packs" for just epoch.

Everyone using this on Epoch probably have added all sorts of scripts, so no "fresh" pack with just SC and banks.


However it shouldn't be too hard too get all the overwatch stuff out.

You should google what you need to do to get an epoch server to an overpoch server, and just do the opposite of what you need to do to go to overpoch (i think? :P )

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From the top of my head:


Adjust mission.sqm (you need to add a few lines here for overpoch)

Adjust traders (remove all overpoch stuff = pretty easy since this pack has all overwatch stuff in it's own .hpp files)


This pack was missing the DZE_MissionLootTable in the init.sqf, so you don't have to worry about that, since no overwatch loot will spawn then.


Maybe there's more, but this is the stuff that popped in my head just now

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Hmm how are people getting this to work on epoch then? there must be a working version out there.

You could follow Zupa's SC1.1 (999 hive version) on his webpage and then upgrade to Soul's 2.0 version.


I used this pack because i couldn't get it to work when i followed all the tuts out there to get it working

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Hey just an update I scrapped Epoch and I am now using Overpoch and its working great but there is one minor issue I am facing, The issue is in the trader menu there is no money tab to exchange brief and gold for coins :S any idea on how to fix this?


The file I used for the coin system is the link Proximus linked up at the top of the page (the first link) would I still need to use your second link (SCMC)? as on the page it says its for DayZ_Epoch would adding that break the server?


Thing I would like to fix/get working.


-Trader money exchange tab.

-Multi Characters.

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Your question about SCMC = No it will not break the server. Overpoch = epoch but with more guns/vehicles


There is not button for this.

The building supplies trader has a category Money to sell goldbars, silverbars, ores, briefcase100ozgold etc.


I added the smelting script to smelt goldbars into coins when near fire.


Furthermore i tried to adjust everything (missions, ai etc) so no silver/tin drops, only goldbars

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Ahh that's a Nice idea with the mission loot. First I need to find a good mission system. I liked the ai missions from dreamfall that I play the missions has like a big green circle around them but the mission system i keep finding is the one with the little red circle with the red lines I don't like this one :(


Oh I thought the money exchange was in the menu of the food and drink trader... at least that's where it was with Dreamfall server :S


Ok well Im going to go ahead and install the SCMC then and get my multi characters working :)

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Just an Update I now have all of this working except multi character I removed it but the coin system is awesome ... Like so so so good so great work with this.


However I am facing a minor Issue actually Its a pretty big one I guess... the bank does not work. the banks are there with the crates but there is no bank option I can open the gear of the crate too but nothing there either :S how do I get banking to work? and can I possibly change the crate to something else and If yes, How? Also the traders have no animations anymore how can I get them back..



No banking scroll menu.

How to change crates to another model.

Trader animations no longer work.

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Exactly the reason why i editted the crates to a satphone on a table.

In your variables.sqf you can adjust the crates to any item you like the bank to be (so i have a satphone there)


We opened the bank.sqf in the editor (with the original biedi file Peterbeer gave us) and adjusted the banks.

Removed the crates, placed a table there with a satphone on it


Works like a charm.


The pack Peterbeer made is one with the Trading animations off.

There is a topic how-to turn that of, if you look at that you can find the way to turn it on again

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Could you provide a link to the version with the biedi file in I have so many different files of this and none seem to have that file.


In variables.sqf could you tell me the line I need to change please.


And for  bank.sqf I guess you mean the file in the dayz_server\Bankzones\ bank.sqf ?


Sorry Im pretty now at all this stuff... 3 days I have been working on this..wait no 5 days damn dont time fly when doing this stuff :O

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This part is in the variables.sqf in the folder Scripts\Variables (MissionPBO)

Adjust the Bank_Object to whatever item you want to use as a bank.

//----------------------------------- Configs Start ---------------------------------//
CurrencyName = "Coins"; // name of your currency
Bank_Object = ["SatPhone","Notebook"]; // Object to get option to bank
LimitOnBank = false; // false = no limits, true = banks are limited on the value below
MaxBankMoney = 500000; // limit on bank for normal players
DonatorBank = [""]; // Bigger banks, Players ID
MaxDonatorBankMoney = 1000000; // Bank size for donators
InstantTrading = true; // (True = No Animation / False = Animation)
SmeltingGoldBarsToCoinsRate = 1000; // How many gold coins are in a gold bar
//----------------------------------- Configs End -----------------------------------//

As for the original biedi file to open it in the editor:


You have to put the mission.sqf and mission.biedi (mission.sqf = banks.sqf) in your arma2 oa folder on your local PC to load the mission in the editor.

If you don't know how, try google to find how you can open a mission.sqf/biedi in the editor.


And for  bank.sqf I guess you mean the file in the dayz_server\Bankzones\ bank.sqf ?


Yes :D

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