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Base Glitching - going through walls - Bug User


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Hi Devs! Hi Gamer!


I know it´s still an alpha version but there´s a huge problem with glitcher and bug user....


For Epoch and it´s Basebuilidng part, players shouldn´t be able to glitch through walls. This is a big problem!

I don´t know if such players should be banned - but i really hope that there will come a solution.


For a game with such "realistic" options and play physics it is really annoying that you can still walk through walls...


Even with the biggest base and the thickest walls it is no problem for abuser to get in.


What´s your opinion?



Greetz! :)



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agreed, we have used the foundations to float our base in the air to stop the problem and build/move stairs to it when we need to gain entry. This stop it being at ground level to glitch through and if you hide your frequency jammer well enough, they cannot move the building or stairs to get in, problem solved! To stop choppers dropping people in, hover foundations above your base, so the only way is to drop someone really far, almost certainly killing them.

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agreed, we have used the foundations to float our base in the air to stop the problem and build/move stairs to it when we need to gain entry. This stop it being at ground level to glitch through and if you hide your frequency jammer well enough, they cannot move the building or stairs to get in, problem solved! To stop choppers dropping people in, hover foundations above your base, so the only way is to drop someone really far, almost certainly killing them.


learn from it ;)

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The solution is relatively easy, and almost entirely complete at this time.

I'll give you guys an example of why it's taking place like it is:

Arma 2: Try to glitch through wall, collision one-shots you.
Arma 3: Try to glitch through wall, collision tries to spit you out without one shotting you. (Player gets through unscathed).

Essentialy some of the changes they made in terms of collision are far more forgiving than in the past, and it does help prevent a lot of foolish deaths..but these are the adverse affects and we can handle it.

Not saying people don't die to BS, as we've seen the free-falling animation kill hundreds of players, but that's more of an off-topic Arma death of the current time.

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i spent last night trying to understand the glitching thing better.

found an abandoned base in northen pyrgos military, very well builded, solid and big, with 3 gates at the entrance, this base was abandoned as a glitcher entered and raped it all.

i positioned myself as i was staring at the first gate and started trying with Z and V key, then changed my p.o.w. to 45 degrees instead of 90, while i was doing it i discovered the first important thing.

if you have a solid wall (like the blocks usually surrounding military bases) at your back and try to push Z while trying to walk through walls/gates ,you can be "aided" and "pushed forward" by those type of walls, i'll try to explain it better (sorry i'm not native english...)

just position your character facing the gate you want to enter in the spot where the gates are attached to that tiny piece of wall and just run "inside" that space pushing "Z" key (you must be 45degrees not exactly straight), sooner or later you will find yourself half int he other side of the gate, now push again z to stand and you'll find yourself in the other side like the wall just expelled you :)

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