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Ghost jammer... maybe


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Not sure if this is a bug or just someone glitching but..


In Kavala on EpochMod.com (|1.34) Altis GPDE02 G-portal.de there is a frequency jammer somewhere in the city.

I know this because after destroying another jammer that was in the hospital my team an I where only able to move some walls a few meters before we got jammed again.

For 3 days now we have looked in every building rock and tree in Kavala but have found nothing. There is no other base there except our own.


My worry is that either someone glitched this jammer underground somehow or it's an old jammer that despawned as an object but the jamming function is still on somehow. Either way bug or glitch.

In any case I don't want to know where the jammer is. I just want an admin or dev to take a look at that area for any potential problems.


I will post a map of the city.

The 3 black dots represent the 3 walls we dropped as we got jammed. To the East we had no problem moving stuff.

Using that and knowing the range we figured out where the jammer may be but we searched the entire area of the big circle and found nothing



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it is most likely inside a building or rock I did that on Hostile Takeover CA3 by accident, as I did realize that when placing a 'frequency jammer' was any different any other building object (i.e. ARMA2 Epoch) and accidently placed my frequency jammer completely in side a rock =( 

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Funny story, my group was trying to build at the hospital too, and we couldn't on the southern end, kept getting jammed. Tried it again on an empty hardcore server, still got jammed. So yeah, I think there is a glitch or maybe the devs made that area a restricted building zone. 

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The thing is.. there where walls built in the hospital and after we took out the jammer is the hospital we could only move some of them and some where still jammed.

So how did they get built in the first place ?

Probably pickup outside of the range of the jammer and then ran in.

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