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Creature/Zombie Epoch Mod


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Some lore would be cool because I like to get all into it. Would be sweet to find some journals littered across the map with some lore. Another cool idea would be rare collectibles that can't be sold...only stolen or taken or found. Like miniature figurines of sapper or hooded man that takes up inventory space. 


I don't know, I'm just spouting off...neeed coffee. 

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Scientists made a breakthrough in the fight against the infection with the use of genetic engineering. The discovery of a genetic bridge that can be used between related species, was used to camouflage the human genome from the zombie virus. (Yes, I've seen World War Z)


As per usual governments around the world sought to use the new scientific breakthrough as weaponry, instructing their rogue scientists to create aggressive, strong  but dispensable soldiers, through hybridizing related aggressive species.


Any mammals sharing a common ancestor could be crossed in the laboratories, resulting in scientists choosing to hybridize aggressive, intelligent and robust species.


The resulting hybrids were unpredictable, with some taking on the traits of the wild animal genetics within them.



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Well see, what most people don't realize is that all these antagonists are left-over cyborgs that were created to eliminate the zombie threat.  Terminator might put up his nose, but the rest of y'all better watch your asses.


Except for the dogs.  The dogs are just hungry and will settle for seem to prefer some of your ham.


EDIT: Oh, Skydogs beat me to the punch.  Bastard.  It's okay though, I think that just explains what the deal is with the dogs.

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Hehe...nice stories.


But I don't think they want to link the lore of the new Epoch with the zombies apocalypse ;)

Come now, you know they're never going to fully remove themselves from it.  The zedheads need closure!  "ALL YOUR ZOMBIES ARE DEAD GET OVER IT" works better than "wat, what zombies, I don't know what you're talking about, that never happened."

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Come now, you know they're never going to fully remove themselves from it.  The zedheads need closure!  "ALL YOUR ZOMBIES ARE DEAD GET OVER IT" works better than "wat, what zombies, I don't know what you're talking about, that never happened."

"The zedheads need closure!  "ALL YOUR ZOMBIES ARE DEAD GET OVER IT""...But weren't they already dead?

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Maybe it was the Cultists the whole time...they spread the Zed Infection, and we wiped them out, so they made the Growlers, in hopes of wiping us out...Maybe the Cultists will  turn the Dogs into HellHounds, which would explain why the dogz are so ruthless...

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How about infected animals. that would be a bit more believable.


Running from an infected chicken.. now there is a funny sight.



I don't find the dogs as bad now but I'm sure if they were infected as well as other animals they would be an interesting threat.



Just don't make them animals that blow up.



The sappers are sort of silly.  They should of been some sort of mechanical human with a bomb inside it to eradicate the humans made by some evil source. that I would have felt a bit more on the realistic apocalypse story.  Then they could have a 1 in 5 chance of calling an AI drone on you as well.


I know the zeds are gone but why the sappers that look like zeds, groan like zeds..  Maybe they are the cousins of the zeds. lol

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