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Torndeco Mission System - DZAI AI


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Actually I would be curious about the static spawns as well.


Prior to this update we had the default heli patrols flying per the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf file.  I had disabled them since they did not shoot (no ammo like your missions) by commenting them out in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf.  I commented them out in both places (under the mission file and dayz_server).


Now the heli patrols are back even though I have confirmed those lines are still commented out. 




As a follow up.  To be sure I removed all of the former Sarge install, and reinstalled the mission system from scratch.  I verified I only have one copy of SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf and it is located under dayz_server\addons\SARGE\map_config


This file is at the defaults from your install.  Yet I am getting heli patrol spawns in areas that are not even defined in the file.  It seems that nothing I change in the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf is even being read.


Is there somewhere else I should be defining static and dynamic patrols?


Additionally is there a place to define what Vehicles the mission AI will use?  Now that they are armed some of the helis, like the UH1Y are terribly lethal and very difficult to take down without serious firepower.

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Just pastebin your config files, ten times faster to confirm u didn't make a typo mistake.

Since its the only possible scenario imo


Also there should be only one map_config located in your server pbo...

U really should avoid copying updates over each other.

U will end up with unneed files confusing yourself, anytime i alter the location / filename etc..


As for the heli types they are defined @  https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/blob/master/mpmission/addons/SARGE/SAR_config.sqf at the very bottom of the file

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First off thanks Torndeco for always popping in for help. Here is my pastebin Sar_Config.sqf and GRPS panthera. I only have one and have double checked all the calls etc. Dynamic and heli spawns work correct and I can define the classnames properly. Its just an issue with the static spawn so it must be an error in my syntax. Anyone mind throwing a few pointers my way?

My panthera GRPS


My configuration ( for missions ) changed all classnames to DZ so they spawn with ammo *is functional*


My sar Config


Any pointers on why they are not spawning would be amazing. As to the location, on panthera there is a small island I have added a somewhat (survivor city) and added a location with static near the top right airfield as well. Niether are spawning but I get no errors on the RPT log.

2:23:40 "Setting up SAR_AI for : panthera2"
2:23:40 "SAR_AI: dynamic Area & Trigger definition Started"
2:23:40 "SAR_AI: Area & Trigger definition finished"
2:23:40 "SAR_AI: Dynamic and static spawning Started"
2:23:40 "SAR_AI: Dynamic and static spawning finished"

RPT log. No errors near ?

Is there a way to debug this, but Im assuming i just have a syntax issue :P :rolleyes:


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Just pastebin your config files, ten times faster to confirm u didn't make a typo mistake.

Since its the only possible scenario imo


Also there should be only one map_config located in your server pbo...

U really should avoid copying updates over each other.

U will end up with unneed files confusing yourself, anytime i alter the location / filename etc..


As for the heli types they are defined @  https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/blob/master/mpmission/addons/SARGE/SAR_config.sqf at the very bottom of the file




Thank you for your always quick replies.


1. I did not copy updates over each other.  As I had explained above I deleted all of the existing SARGE and mission related folders/files and did the setup again from scratch.


After doing so I did only 1 thing.

1. I commented out the Heli patrols in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf under dayz_server/addons/SARGE/map_config.  Lines 243-261




After doing so I still had the heli patrols flying over those locations (NWAF, NEAF, East coast, etc).





Do the mission helis also pull from the https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/blob/master/mpmission/addons/SARGE/SAR_config.sqf  file?  IE if i were to edit that to only have the UH1H would missions then only use UH1H as well?

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If u want delete the map_config file for cherno + verfiy your server is trying to load up file.

There will be an error if its missing


Besides that

The only helis u should be seeing would be helis  patroling anywhere up to 850m from a mission site...

If this isn't the case u are seeing helis from another script u setup on your server i.e like animated heli crash sites...


Also i just told u the helis were defined @ the sarge config file...



Try increase the marker range, such a small range is prob breaking SARGE + stop tryin to define a patrol setting and leave it blank till u get it working

Also verify the map positions...



@Everyone else

I am not gonna support questions regarding general SARGE questions unrelated to missions code...

SARGE is still setup the exact same


Unless i tell otherwise SARGE config settings + spawning SARGE is still the exact same....

I will not be supporting any questions regarding static spawning unless its due to a rpt error in logs i.e code error / typo i made..


If u have a SARGE static spawn issue try with normal SARGE with your config files + enable SARGE debug (it is removed in my version).

Before u ask  thx u

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We aren't.  We are seeing all of the default heli patrols.


I know you just told me @ the sarge config file.  And the comment of the config file states "// define the type of heli(s) you want to use here for the heli patrols"

I was simply asking to clarify that this is also what your missions used as I didn't know if Heli patrols = helis in your missions.


While I respect that you don't want to get into sarge troubleshooting, you are including a modified sarge in your mission pack. As such it is no longer a stock sarge install.


For example, Prior to your latest update (for vehicle ammo and crate despawning) the edits I made in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf worked.  IE, static spawns that I commented out would not spawn.  This issue occurred after I installed the latest update.  Which is why I asked you here first.


The only thing we have added to our stock epoch server is your mission pack, and INfistar antihack.

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Why should i need to confirm an answer ?  Its just stupid

When does a coder update documenation, especially documentation in code i didn't make ? It just takes up time


Did u delete the files ? And confirm SARGE is loading the correct file ???

Did u delete the commented lines to make 100% certain SARGE isnt running them due to typo.

Because its impossible for what u are saying to happen... simply put.


Did u try standard sarge with your config file + confirm that u dont get the same issue.

That is infact only an issue with my modifed version ?





While I respect that you don't want to get into sarge troubleshooting, you are including a modified sarge in your mission pack. As such it is no longer a stock sarge install.



I included a modified SARGE because its has several edits that are required

Saving Epoch Vehicles

Returning AI Vehicle Groups for mission to use to destroy AI vehicles (that players dont encounter)

Re-loading Ammo for DZE vehicle

Removing all the unneeded debug code (unused by most admins)... standard sarge code is fairly stable at this point in time. In an attempt to reduce slightly the extra work on server with all the if statements for each ai.




Short version...

I been pretty much been coding the mission system myself...

U want to argue i need to support SARGE AI in its entire codebase.

There is a whole sub-forum on opendayz for SARGE AI

Its 2 weeks from xmas


I will no longer be reading this thread.


Github will be updated when i feel any changes are stable enough.

U can make an issue ticket there for any issues u encounter with the mission code.

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I'm sorry you are upset.  That was not my intention.


First off I'm not arguing anything.  I was simply stating that since you had modified the stock sarge install, AND it seemed that something stopped working on our end after installing an updated version of your missions, it made sense to ask you first.


It has been an excellent mission system overall.  I greatly appreciate all of the hard work you have put into it.


I truly hope you at least manage to read this reply.

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It'd be nice if thoes directions were a little more specific. 

for example......

"Copy dayz_server/* to your server files" - THERE ARE A LOT OF FUCKING SERVER FILES BRO

"Copy mpmission/* to your mission files" - THERE ARE A LOT OF FUCKING MISSION FILES BRO

Like honestly it would be so much easier if people just made videos on this shit, especially for the people who arent fucking experts at dayz server scripting in general. 

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Like honestly it would be so much easier if people just made videos on this shit, especially for the people who arent fucking experts at dayz server scripting in general.



No wonder Torndeco stopped supporting this with replies like that :(

It takes days or even weeks to write the code from scratch but even longer to support it, I see people asking the same questions that were answered on previous pages but they're too lazy to read the whole thread.


If you can't work it out then give up, some people just don't get it, some people are too lazy to read properly and some are too retarded.


Torndeco has provided so much time to the Dayz community, I might not use any of his scripts but i respect him as a coder and member of this community :)

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I have had absolutely no problems with this mission system or figuring out how to install it. Configuring Sarge I used the Sarge forums for. 


Once again people who don't want to take 10 mins to figure out how to mod a server and want everything in a gift wrapped paint-by-numbers install with videos have just pushed another great script coder off the forums with disrespect and no manners.


Its a wonder that any one posts scripts on these boards with the way you all behave.

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works completely for me on my server if you do not want any ai except at missions go into mission pbo \addons\SARGE open SAR_config.sqf and change it all to this

// -----------------------------------------------
// default values for dynamic grid spawning
// -----------------------------------------------
// maximum number of groups / grid
SAR_max_grps_bandits = 0;
SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 0;
SAR_max_grps_survivors = 0;
// chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
SAR_chance_bandits = 0;
SAR_chance_soldiers = 0;
SAR_chance_survivors = 0;
// maximum size of group (including Leader)
SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 0;
SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 0;
SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 0;
also the instructions are pretty much all you need if you cant copy and paste some files into another file then.........
Thank you for the hard work Torndeco i appreciate it a lot and this ai system is the best i have used.
I currently use infistar is there anyway to add the mission debug (lower part of the debug menu for mission announcements) to the infistar debug? 
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i don't use infistar but i have read in many places that you can deactivate its debug and then use a custom and or the provided debug monitor in this pack... if your liking the debug but want to add in the missions it'll take some squeezing i assume these lines in the bottom of his debug are what your looking to mess with adding.. Im assuming you just have to do the calls for the pirates and warning .paa files as well as possibly the customMissionImage?


i'd Start there if you can modify the debug for infistar i never used it so not much help there.

		hintSilent parseText format 
			('' + (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle player) >> 'displayName'))),
			round (r_player_blood),
			round (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),


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id put those files where ever under your mpmission folder and then just change the paths .. eg out them in a subfolder of Mpmissions/Craphere then change the lines "extras\debug_monitor\warning.paa", to "Craphere\warning.paa", etc.


i think this only works if your infistar debug is called form mpmissions if its in your server pbo you might have to sub folder in there and put them there.

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Personally I am completely unable to get the 4 hour restart's warning's and debug countdown to work here is my debug code if you can help me fix it

while {true} do {
	_rtime = round(14400 - serverTime);
	if ((_rtime < 235) && (!_warning)) then {
		_warning = true;
		cutText [(localize "STR_custom_5minRestart"),"PLAIN"];

	if (debugMonitor) then {
		_hours = (_rtime/4/16);
		_hours = toArray (str _hours);
		_hours resize 1;
		_hours = toString _hours;
		_hours = compile _hours;
		_hours = call _hours;
		_minutes = round(_rtime/60);
		_minutes2 = _minutes - (_hours*100);
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The timer has be explained + it is simple maths...


Server under stress will end up running slower causing server time ticks to lag behind.

If your server is under stress, the timer will run slow, there is nothing u can do about this..

Get a better server, reduce load on server i.e remove AI etc...

Optimize Code + Pray




Mission Code is getting a minor rewrite to use DZAI AI.

Some interesting new changes in next version of DZAI AI 1.9

Will be a new repo when its ready...

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