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how to get yourself banned & want not to do


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What not to do:


hey can i get a key give me key. KEY NOW BITCH. give me key. i will (sexual action) for a key. give me key stupid ass hole .etc 




What to do:

join anyone of these streamers when their streaming they give out keys randomly




http://www.twitch.tv/axles         <---{dev}

http://www.twitch.tv/vbawol     <---{creator}

http://www.twitch.tv/sequisha  <---{model work}

http://www.twitch.tv/kiory123   <---{model work}

http://www.twitch.tv/orangesherbet  <--{main beta tester}


probably a lot more i just cant remember anyone else


WARNING! do not spam the twitch channels for keys you will be banned do not streamsnipe other streamers when you are in game

and most of all DONT BE A CUNT i'm seeing a lot of people ruining the community already don't be that guy have fun don't be a cunt!

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Why can't they play with buddies?

Buddies need keys too.


My friend needs a key. I am still watching in streams hoping to win one I can gift to him since I have one. He would watch the streams but he works and just started back in school after 10 years of not doing school. He gets a couple hours a night, if that, for free time... would he rather spend it playing a game with a friend, or sitting watching someone else play in the hopes he out of the 100-200 people watching might be lucky enough to win a key in a random drawing? I can tell you what his answer is. :) So we play DayZ:SA, Space Engineers, or Payday2.

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