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So server managed to restart before it did and now the player count has been dramatically reduced from 100 to 45. Everything ive been doing for the last 3 days has gone my base my tipis and all my gear i had on me it started me as a freshspawn again. Has there been a reset im not aware of ?

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Keep in mind this is not anywhere near ready for the public....its for testing.......these things are bound to happen (mayby every second day). so dont play it expecting to build a base and storing gear. we do these things with the  expectation things will go wrong, and thats where the "Bug reports" thread comes into play....you post bugs you find so they can fix them.....

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Yeah, i know we're only testing, but all my gear I've been saving to test bugs has goneall my scrap metal, mortar and cinderblocks. I was just bug testing building and storage items, it took me hours to loot, as loot doesn't respawn it makes hoarding hard.

Apparently you don't. Looting shit and building bases is called playing the game, not testing it, unless you actually write down or report your findings. Coming to forums with poor grammar and weird ass titles like "wtf" is called whining, not bug reporting. At this stage don't expect anything, you are not testing anything, you and hundreds of others are the test, they want you for stress tests and bug reports not the entitlements.


If I were to develop Epoch, I'd clear database every single update just to make sure bugs are not created by anomalies from previous versions, especially when/while hive calls are coded/adjusted.

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