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[Update #4] Automatic server installation script script for - please try it out!

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19554 Segmentation fault      unworkable ${EPOCH_CLIENT_TARBALL}.torrent

Here be dragons! Composing the rest.
Installing Epoch client files
***FAILED*** Unable to extract DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z, file corrupt/disk full?



Ok, the unworkable bittorent client is crappy (I also tried transmission-cli but it seems to fail as non-root). I suppose I could just download directly from Epoch AWS but I am not certain the Epoch devs would appreciate that. I'll put in a check to skip the torrent download if the file is already in place (which means you'd have to download it manually if unworkable fails).




i've get error, after running ./install.sh all

Installing Steam
Downloading and installing the game - long
steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: No such file or directory
***FAILED*** SteamCmd game installation failed
root@dayz /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic # cd steamcmd/linux32
root@dayz /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32 # ls
libstdc++.so.6  steamcmd

That's very strange, files are missing from your steamcmd/linux32, please post the output of md5sum downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz. This is how my directory looks like:

epoch@epoch:~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic$ ls -l steamcmd/linux32/
total 32604
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch  2538022 Jul  8 18:12 crashhandler.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch  3769939 Feb 28 02:02 libstdc++.so.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch  4217996 Feb 28 02:02 libsteam.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch   189516 Jul  8 18:12 libtier0_s.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch   236827 Jul  8 18:12 libvstdlib_s.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch 16627778 Jul  8 18:12 steamclient.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch  3261818 Jul  8 18:12 steamcmd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch   386085 Jul  8 18:12 steamconsole.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 epoch epoch  2138792 Jul  8 18:12 steamerrorreporter
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I've tried git clone again, here's output


# git clone [email protected]:emestee/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic.git
Cloning into dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic...
remote: Counting objects: 30, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 30 (delta 12), reused 27 (delta 9)
Receiving objects: 100% (30/30), 7.39 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (12/12), done.
# cd dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic
# ls
CONFIGURATION-dist  Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server  install.sh  packages.sh  README.md  script.steam
# ./install.sh all
Installing Steam
Downloading and installing the game - long
steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /root/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: No such file or directory
***FAILED*** SteamCmd game installation failed
# cd steamcmd/linux32
# ls
libstdc++.so.6  steamcmd
# ls -l steamcmd/linux32/
total 9.1M
-r-xr-xr-x 1 psaadm psaadm 3.7M Apr 22  2013 libstdc++.so.6
-rwxrw-r-- 1 psaadm psaadm 5.4M Feb  6  2013 steamcmd
# md5sum downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
09e3f75c1ab5a501945c8c8b10c7f50e  downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
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I'm getting this error when downloading the tools

+ echo 'Downloading the server tools'
Downloading the server tools
+ dl_tools
+ git submodule init
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
+ git submodule update
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
+ exit 'Failed to update git submodules'
./install.sh: line 91: exit: Failed to update git submodules: numeric argument required

I'm fairly new to linux + git, how can I resolve this?

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Good news: install script works.

Bad news: 1. server won't connect to steam 2. client hangs when joining, displays just "Wait for host". I know this is not install scripts fault but did not had this second problem before patch 126652.


Found solution for both problems from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179830-Arma2oaserver-v1-63-125-402-problem-NetServer-finishDestroyPlayer&p=2722862&viewfull=1#post2722862

-Deleted ibr_panthera29.bikey

and set verifySignatures = 0; I understood this is not safe solution? I'm kinda new with ArmA servers.

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*OCB* Trollspace, i find a reason, why i get the following error:

 ~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic # ./install.sh all
Installing Steam
./downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz already exists, skipping download
downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz: OK
Downloading and installing the game - long
steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /root/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: No such file or directory
***FAILED*** SteamCmd game installation failed

installation script set wrong owner/owner group for these files:

 ~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32 # ls -l steamcmd
-rwxrw-r-- 1 psaadm psaadm 5.4M Feb  6  2013 steamcmd

I'am installing it under root:root, but installing script set another owner, psaadm:psaadm (parallels plesk service account) and he's override permissions every time i run ./install.sh (i mean chown -R root:root didn't help).


and another one question,
for example, if database and user is already exist, where should i specify username and password in CONFIGURATION for this database?

# Mysql administrative user for database creation

# The database and user/password to be created
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~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic$ ./install.sh all
Installing Steam
./downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz already exists, skipping download
downloads/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz: OK
Downloading and installing the game - long
steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 11: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Redirecting stderr to '/home/dayz/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
[  0%] Checking for available update...
[  0%] Downloading update (0 of 9,116 KB)...
[  0%] Downloading update (2,429 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 26%] Downloading update (2,925 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 32%] Downloading update (3,343 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 36%] Downloading update (4,261 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 46%] Downloading update (5,171 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 56%] Downloading update (6,070 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 66%] Downloading update (6,794 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 74%] Downloading update (7,114 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 78%] Downloading update (8,009 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 87%] Downloading update (8,999 of 9,116 KB)...
[ 98%] Downloading update (9,116 of 9,116 KB)...
[100%] Download Complete.
[----] Applying update...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Cleaning up...
[----] Update complete, launching...
/home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 19: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Redirecting stderr to '/home/dayz/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Downloading update (0 of 6,255 KB)...
[  0%] Downloading update (1,889 of 6,255 KB)...
[ 30%] Downloading update (3,380 of 6,255 KB)...
[ 54%] Downloading update (5,041 of 6,255 KB)...
[ 80%] Downloading update (6,255 of 6,255 KB)...
[100%] Download complete.
[----] Installing update...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Cleaning up...
[----] Update complete, launching Steam...
/home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 19: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Redirecting stderr to '/home/dayz/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.

Logging in user '=)' to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for license info...OK
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"
app_update 33910 validate
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 0.34 (30182636 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 2.05 (183102931 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 3.70 (330822562 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 5.81 (519413562 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 8.10 (724356889 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 10.45 (934278054 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 12.70 (1135328475 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 15.13 (1352384817 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 17.50 (1564197169 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 19.87 (1776010076 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 22.25 (1988591500 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 23.72 (2120712631 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 23.72 (2120712631 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 23.98 (2143781303 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 24.92 (2227667383 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 27.18 (2430043662 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 29.05 (2596767802 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 30.78 (2751957050 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 33.26 (2973434503 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 34.42 (3076577244 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 34.42 (3076577244 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 34.86 (3116423688 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 35.79 (3199047451 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 38.41 (3433230544 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 40.81 (3648158347 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 43.47 (3886200201 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 45.42 (4060021010 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 47.06 (4206621696 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 49.37 (4413192279 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 51.70 (4621739158 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 54.34 (4857314206 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 55.14 (4929519100 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 55.14 (4929519100 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 59.01 (5275046409 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 61.73 (5518247385 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 62.69 (5604413711 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 62.69 (5604413711 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 63.29 (5657891087 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 63.47 (5673522373 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 65.29 (5836051653 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 65.52 (5857023173 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 65.52 (5857023173 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 66.15 (5913760852 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 67.19 (6006121253 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.11 (6088864394 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.11 (6088864394 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.71 (6142342325 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 69.42 (6206036869 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 72.10 (6444831273 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 72.64 (6493751651 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 74.35 (6645933493 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 77.18 (6898934793 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 79.87 (7139512913 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 80.71 (7215010385 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 80.71 (7215010385 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 80.84 (7226545832 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 80.84 (7226545832 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 82.52 (7376436237 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 84.93 (7592127667 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 87.28 (7802603304 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 90.06 (8050679881 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 92.65 (8281991431 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 93.00 (8313484225 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 93.00 (8313484225 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 94.93 (8485639160 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 97.53 (8718375802 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 98.31 (8788198755 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 98.31 (8788198755 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 98.98 (8847924818 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.42 (8887247422 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.87 (8928021011 / 8939284123)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.99 (8938235547 / 8939284123)
Success! App '33910' fully installed.
app_update 33930 validate
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 0.01 (1181673 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.07 (88268044 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.07 (88268044 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.68 (138664233 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 3.32 (274008658 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 6.35 (524387400 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 9.73 (803596195 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 13.11 (1082279827 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 16.45 (1357776048 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 19.63 (1620765127 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 20.01 (1652224073 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 21.60 (1783245838 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 23.93 (1975449187 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 26.80 (2212702706 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 30.09 (2484011536 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 30.40 (2509447879 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 30.40 (2509447879 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 32.62 (2692748721 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 35.61 (2939550024 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 38.59 (3185745252 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.84 (3289037253 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 42.96 (3546297005 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 43.92 (3625989336 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 43.92 (3625989336 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 44.45 (3669808367 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 45.65 (3768375622 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 47.77 (3943917113 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 47.79 (3944965689 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 47.79 (3944965689 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 48.87 (4034657765 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 51.19 (4225695005 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 52.98 (4373320735 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 54.53 (4501747895 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 57.25 (4726523414 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 57.25 (4726523414 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 60.75 (5015065756 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 60.75 (5015065756 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 62.37 (5148705450 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 63.66 (5255661313 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 63.68 (5256709889 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 64.25 (5303803694 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 65.58 (5414053706 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.26 (5635281685 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.85 (5683936374 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.85 (5683936374 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 69.58 (5743706871 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 70.85 (5848795592 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 74.11 (6118230788 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 74.42 (6143396612 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 74.42 (6143396612 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 76.23 (6292972893 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 79.10 (6529788741 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 81.90 (6761525705 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 85.03 (7019271781 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 86.19 (7115035120 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 86.19 (7115035120 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 86.83 (7168512496 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 87.72 (7241445880 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 89.64 (7399780856 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 90.55 (7475611543 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 92.56 (7640961190 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 92.76 (7657415687 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 95.87 (7914211747 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 98.95 (8168980904 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.40 (8205681064 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.40 (8205681064 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.99 (8254300381 / 8255348957)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (6971321184 / 6971321184)
Success! App '33930' fully installed.
app_update 219540 beta112555 validate
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 100.00 (21436400 / 21436400)
Success! App '219540' fully installed.
Downloading the server binaries
a2oa-server-1.63.126652.tar.bz2 exists, skipping download
downloads/a2oa-server-1.63.126652.tar.bz2: OK
Downloading the server tools
Downloading and installing the Epoch client file via bittorrent - long
Epoch client file already in place, skipping bittorrent download
downloads/DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z: OK
Here be dragons! Composing the rest.
Installing Epoch client files
Applying downcasing, dog bless
Installing denisio's Linux tools
Patching writer.pl
Installing server binaries
Patching epoch.sh
Initializing the database
All done!


~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic$ cd ../
~$ cd epoch
~/epoch$ cd cache
dayz@marinetec:~/epoch/cache$ ls
object_chunks.sqf objects objects.sqf players set_time.sqf traders


~/epoch$ ./epoch.sh
find: `cache/players': No such file or directory
Can't open '/home/dayz/epoch/cache/players/default.sqf' at ./writer.pl line 125.
~/epoch$ cd cache
~/epoch/cache$ ls
object_chunks.sqf objects objects.sqf set_time.sqf traders


What the ... ?!

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I'm running CentOS 6.5 and never figured what the issue was, but then I knew it.


I didn't have ctorrent so went ahead and fixed that

I didnt have p7zip


also, it appears CentOS doesn't use 7zr to extract 7z files, instead use 7za in the install.sh (line 105)


Now I have the following issue. I should now have all the files correctly installed, went to my directory to run epoch.sh and got this:

[root@server epoch]# ./epoch.sh
find: `cache/players': No such file or directory
Can't locate JSON/XS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./writer.pl line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./writer.pl line 7.

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I found this line in epoch.sh startup script,

# Clear the cache to eliminate the rollback bug
find cache/players -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;

which removes cache/players folder completely,
and here's conflict block (line 125) in writer.pl, which stop script execution:

sub init_default_player {
    my $file = CACHE_DIR.'players/default.sqf';
    open  (OUT, ">$file") or die "Can't open '$file'";
    print OUT '["PASS",false,"1",[],'.INVENTORY.','.BACKPACK.',[0,0,0],'.MODEL.',0.96]';
    close (OUT);
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Finally, i fix all startup errors, but server didn't start. Dump.log is clear, no any errors or output after running ./epoch.sh

~/epoch$ ./epoch.sh

No any process running by user, port 2302 is closed.

I'am running on Debian 6 64bit

~/epoch$ ldd epoch
	linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xf77c5000)
	libsteam_api.so => ./libsteam_api.so (0xf77b3000)
	libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 (0xf76c6000)
	libm.so.6 => /lib32/libm.so.6 (0xf7697000)
	libpthread.so.0 => /lib32/libpthread.so.0 (0xf767e000)
	libdl.so.2 => /lib32/libdl.so.2 (0xf767a000)
	librt.so.1 => /lib32/librt.so.1 (0xf7671000)
	libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf7653000)
	libc.so.6 => /lib32/libc.so.6 (0xf74a9000)
	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf77c6000)
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Sorry to keep you waiting, I had a week from hell. I have now committed all the things that accumulated:


  • Attempt to install North American version of the game if you have that version
  • Wipe the player cache correctly
  • Provide steam ports in the default config


Good news: install script works.

Bad news: 1. server won't connect to steam 2. client hangs when joining, displays just "Wait for host". I know this is not install scripts fault but did not had this second problem before patch 126652.


Found solution for both problems from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179830-Arma2oaserver-v1-63-125-402-problem-NetServer-finishDestroyPlayer&p=2722862&viewfull=1#post2722862

-Deleted ibr_panthera29.bikey

and set verifySignatures = 0; I understood this is not safe solution? I'm kinda new with ArmA servers.


I never had this problem. I don't know how to solve it, sorry. Disabling signature verification is usually not a good idea.




The script doesn't touch the ownership of the files. Moreover, root users under normal circumstances are exempt from owner and permission checks. Maybe plesk has some funny selinux policies or something. Please create a separate user and run the script under that.


As of databases: the script expects to be able to create the user and the database itself. It will fail if it is unable to do either.


The missing cache problem is fixed.




I'm running CentOS 6.5 and never figured what the issue was, but then I knew it.


I didn't have ctorrent so went ahead and fixed that

I didnt have p7zip


also, it appears CentOS doesn't use 7zr to extract 7z files, instead use 7za in the install.sh (line 105)


Now I have the following issue. I should now have all the files correctly installed, went to my directory to run epoch.sh and got this:

[root@server epoch]# ./epoch.sh
find: `cache/players': No such file or directory
Can't locate JSON/XS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./writer.pl line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./writer.pl line 7.


The script now uses ctorrent. I do not have a separate package installation file right now for CentOS so you're on your own, same goes for 7z. If somebody wants to build a file with necessary packages I'll include it in my repos.


In Debian, the missing Perl script is in libjson-xs-perl; you should be able to install the equivalent package with yum or using CPAN. 




Finally, i fix all startup errors, but server didn't start. Dump.log is clear, no any errors or output after running ./epoch.sh

~/epoch$ ./epoch.sh

No any process running by user, port 2302 is closed.

I'am running on Debian 6 64bit

~/epoch$ ldd epoch
	linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xf77c5000)
	libsteam_api.so => ./libsteam_api.so (0xf77b3000)
	libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 (0xf76c6000)
	libm.so.6 => /lib32/libm.so.6 (0xf7697000)
	libpthread.so.0 => /lib32/libpthread.so.0 (0xf767e000)
	libdl.so.2 => /lib32/libdl.so.2 (0xf767a000)
	librt.so.1 => /lib32/librt.so.1 (0xf7671000)
	libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf7653000)
	libc.so.6 => /lib32/libc.so.6 (0xf74a9000)
	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf77c6000)


This probably means the server has crashed. Please pastebin the output of dmesg immediately after you've run the script. 


Do note that because the game uses UDP you will not see the port in netstat unless you pass -u to it.


Reminder: if the latest server for some reason doesn't work for you, use the old branch (it has all the fixes incorporated):

git fetch
git checkout
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Hey Trollspace,


just worked my way through your installscript and it worked quite nice for me :)
I installed it on a fresh Debian 6 and here is what i ran into (in case anyone else ran into the same things...):
git clone [email protected]:emestee/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic.git

=> had to follow this to get it working https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys#platform-linux

=> i ran into that x86 unexpected error thing some else mentioned before... i simply ingored it and moved on like a Zombie ;-)

install.sh all

=> Dunno if it resulted out of the unexpected error above but i had to redo the loginsettings for Mysql

=> also my libc wasnt updated fully (cuz i acted like a Zombie...) i had to watch closely to this

...=> apt-get -t sid install libc6-amd64 libc6-dev libc6-dbg

....=> "amd64" wasnt avaible for me i had to change to i386 after that it worked smoothly till the end for me :)

I didnt change configs etc. at the moment, but technicaly everything seems to work, thx for this awesome help!

One last question, i see there is a start and a restart shell, if i want to shutdown the server, do i simply kill the task or is there something less abrupt?

Cheers and thx


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