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[Update #4] Automatic server installation script script for - please try it out!

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Update 2014-09-10: several fixes; old server beta 112555 is available in a separate branch

Update 2014-09-03: new server beta and new epoch.sh to fix the rollback problem




I've worked out an almost hands-free procedure to deploy an Epoch server on Linux. This is designed to spare you the long uploads of Arma from your home Winduhs machine and the fiddling with PBOs and scripts in the correct order to get things working. If the script doesn't fail (and it's a very first try!), after minimal preparation work you will get a fully installed server from devd's project  in ~10 minutes. This currently installs the latest available Epoch and Arma II 126652/125548 (newest beta with Steam MP support, fresher than in devd's repo).


This script is designed for one time server deployment. It assumes a clean environment such as a freshly spawned VPS and may destroy your existing configuration or database. You will still need to customize your server. Missions are in Russian because that's how devd's repository ships them (solution for this can be found on this forum).


Please follow the installation instructions exactly. Do not use the "Download ZIP" feature to download this from GitHub.


LINK > https://github.com/emestee/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic < LINK


You need:

  • ~20Gb disk space and 2Gb RAM (I dunno if it'd work with less)
  • Steam account with Arma 2 CO on it
  • A server with a recent glibc, a recent Debian in a VPS is just fine (verified to work on DigitalOcean Debian VPS)

Please leave all feedback, bug reports etc in this thread.



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Okay, so...




Instructions are in the README


tl;dr: clone this repo, copy a config file, sudo ./packages.sh, put in your steam account credentials (you are welcome to read the code and verify nothing funny goes on with it, I can afford my own games thank you ;-), run ./install.sh, make coffee, come back. If it hasn't failed, remove your steam credentials and enjoy your new Epoch server. You can remove the installer directory now.


All input, feedback, patches, etc welcome.

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I operate Linux boxes professionally and Puppet is one of my main tools. I don't feel that it would help here. The basic problem is that what the script does is renaming files, something that is antithetical to how Puppet is meant to work. You can of course have puppet just clone the repo with eg vcsrepo and run the installation, but installing puppet apply on a single node would be more hassle than cloning the script manually.


Oh, and I'm an ex-IDF rightwing zionist from Israel ;)

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I operate Linux boxes professionally and Puppet is one of my main tools. I don't feel that it would help here. The basic problem is that what the script does is renaming files, something that is antithetical to how Puppet is meant to work. You can of course have puppet just clone the repo with eg vcsrepo and run the installation, but installing puppet apply on a single node would be more hassle than cloning the script manually.


Oh, and I'm an ex-IDF rightwing zionist from Israel ;)

Makes sense to me. I've not really used Puppet that much, but just thought it might be useful.


Even if you are an ex-IDF right-wing zionist from Isreal, that doesn't really make me dislike you any more or like you any less. I'm kinda easy that way :wub:

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I am not joking. I live in Israel, and seeing the Arab revolt flag  (Actually, it was a palestinian flag, based upon the flag of arab revolt) in game based forums bothers me. This is not an appropriate place to express political opinions, so I humbly ask that you change your signature.


That's fine, in the spirit of sticking to the intent of the forum, and co-operation, I have happily removed it. With regard to expressing political opinions, every place is appropriate, and equally protected; I expressed it freely and removed it in the same spirit. :)

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That's fine, in the spirit of sticking to the intent of the forum, and co-operation, I have happily removed it. With regard to expressing political opinions, every place is appropriate, and equally protected; I expressed it freely and removed it in the same spirit. :)


Thank you! This courtesy doesn't usually happen on the internets. Let us never speak of this again :)

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Its this also working on Ubuntu?

I did get a error when trying to unpack DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z

When checking i did notice the file was not there.


Its looks like the content of the torrent is not downloaded. In the install.sh i dont see any command what is downloading it.


Am i doing something wrong?



I did download the torrent (using rtorrent) and now its looks like it is working

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This (dl_epoch) downloads the torrent file and then uses the "unworkable" torrent client to dl it.
    curl -s -o $CACHE/${EPOCH_CLIENT_TARBALL}.torrent $EPOCH_CLIENT_URL | fail "Epoch client torrent unavailable"
    pushd $CACHE > /dev/null
    unworkable ${EPOCH_CLIENT_TARBALL}.torrent
    popd > /dev/null

If this doesn't work for you, put the .7z file in downloads/ manually. I'd appreciate full script output to see what's wrong.

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Thanks for the quick response.


I am now on the last stage (cleaning).


But i did try to run the packages.sh. See below the error:


epoch@xs42:~$ sudo ./packages.sh
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package unknowable
./packages.sh: 4: [: x86_64: unexpected operator
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i've get error, after running ./install.sh all

Installing Steam
Downloading and installing the game - long
steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: No such file or directory
***FAILED*** SteamCmd game installation failed
root@dayz /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic # cd steamcmd/linux32
root@dayz /home/dayz/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic/steamcmd/linux32 # ls
libstdc++.so.6  steamcmd
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Wipe, did you run the packages.sh before you did start? The Steamcmd part is working by me. I got this error:



Downloading the server binaries
Downloading the server tools
Submodule 'Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server' (https://github.com/denisio/Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server.git) registered for path 'Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server'
Cloning into 'Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server'...
remote: Counting objects: 403, done.
remote: Total 403 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (403/403), 6.84 MiB | 3.76 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (176/176), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule path 'Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server': checked out '5530d840595d86b8c4af687f02b0c643a2f7d7db'
Downloading and installing the Epoch client file via bittorrent - long
***FAILED*** Epoch client torrent unavailable
DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z.torrent                                                                  hash ok:   0% rx:    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z.torrent                                                                  hash ok:  11% rx:  187MB   6.9MB/s   03:30 ETA[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z.torrent                                                                  hash ok:  25% rx:  422MB   7.3MB/s   02:46 ETA[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z.torrent                                                                  hash ok:  38% rx:  644MB   6.5MB/s   02:32 ETA[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.
DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z.torrent                                                                  hash ok:  40% rx:  682MB   6.8MB/s   02:21 ETA./install.sh: line 78: 19554 Segmentation fault      unworkable ${EPOCH_CLIENT_TARBALL}.torrent
Here be dragons! Composing the rest.
Installing Epoch client files
***FAILED*** Unable to extract DayZ_Epoch_Client_1.0.5.1_Release.7z, file corrupt/disk full?
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Sure, i did

 # ./packages.sh
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
git is already the newest version.
libdbd-mysql-perl is already the newest version.
libjson-xs-perl is already the newest version.
mysql-client is already the newest version.
mysql-server is already the newest version.
perl is already the newest version.
screen is already the newest version.
unworkable is already the newest version.
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 71 not upgraded.
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Its looks like steamcmd is on the wrong place


epoch@xs42:~/dayz-epoch-linux-server-magic$ ls
arma2-server        Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server  packages.sh   steamcmd
CONFIGURATION       downloads                README.md
CONFIGURATION-dist  install.sh               script.steam
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