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Got Namalsk Crisis working on Chernarus map



So I am running a Overpoch/Namalsk Crisis server on a chernarus map, EVR works perfect, bloodsuckers work with no problems, just wondering if anyone out there ever figured out the decloaking issue with bloodsuckers? I have a few theories as to how I could make this work and will be busting my ass to do it, but if someone already has a solution for making the decloak I'd love to hear it. Thanks!

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So I've decided to use a work around, it is tedious but this allows me to put the bloodsuckers on in places I want, I mean this will be very specific because I am going to enter the location of every single BS in the mission.sqf just like you would for a trader, I'm currently adjusting the code to make the BS's fully functional. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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Ok couldn't get the working properly in mission.sqf, they would spawn but just stand there like jackasses no matter what commands I put in their init. However I did get them working in mission.sqm. Problem I have now is that they'll only chase you for about 100 meters then after that they'll just stand there like morons and will only attack and give chase if you get really close, and even then they'll only chase for a few feet and then stand there again like nimrods. But let me tell you, for the first 200 meters they're relentless killing machines. Will work on tweeking them to never stop chasing, not sure how to do it but I have a few ideas.

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No man, I wrote them into the Mission.sqm. I had to write each one into the server, it's tedious and not ideal, but it works for now, plus these fuckers will find you from like 300 meters away which makes it all the more fun. For some reason they work perfect on test sever but acting buggy on main, in the middle of trying to resolve it, here is a small sample from the mission.sqm:


          class Item3
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="this allowDammage true; this enableAI 'FSM'; this enableAI 'MOVE'; enableAI 'ANIM'; this enableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this enableAI 'TARGET'; this setCombatMode 'RED'; this setBehaviour 'COMBAT';";
        class Item4
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="this allowDammage true; this enableAI 'FSM'; this enableAI 'MOVE'; enableAI 'ANIM'; this enableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this enableAI 'TARGET'; this setCombatMode 'RED'; this setBehaviour 'COMBAT';";

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Added them in the mission.sqm but they still just give up after a few 100m

Yea I am wondering if they do that by default, do they do that on your namalsk server? Mine don't always give up though, I've had a pack of them chase me well over a 1000 meters, sometimes they give up after 50 meters, they're rather fickle. I have an idea for possibly dealing with this, may involve them despawning and respawning if their target is lost or maybe have them reattempt to aquire a target after so much distance or time. I have an issue with them going after my traders, but I was thinking last night an easy way to get around that would to be to place mutant hearts in their inventory, should solve that problem in theory.


One thing I have noticed is that if you teleport away from them that confuses them most of the time, having Zed Shield on also causes issues, try running from one with nothing on and get an average from a sample group of about 4 or 5 of them to get a better idea of how well they are reacting.

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Yea so I added mutant hearts to the traders, Bloodsuckers no longer recognize them. Added this line in the Mission.sqf


  _this addweapon "mut_heart";


so for example


_unit_668 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["Hooker4", [6299.27, 7806.66, 0.00143433], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_668 = _this;
  _this addweapon "mut_heart";
  _this setDir 301.306;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};

turned on their damage, killed one, heart was there, watched bloodsuckers around other traders, they never batted an eyelash at them.

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Well doesn't look like there is anyway to change the way the bloodsuckers operate within the mission.sqm, that file is just not setup to be able to modify things like respawning, inventory or turning their AI on and off or anything of that sort, when you spawn them it's a case of what you see is what you get with very little room for modification. If I want to go highspeed with it I'm gonna have to make the bloodsucker script work and lord knows I have tried. Gonna keep at it though, also looking through the Namalsk mission pbo I found a nice nuke script that I think I'm gonna try and get going in the server, that should be fun :D

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well, might have to go a different route then.

For some reason my blowouts don't work on namalsk, inless I add all the files to the mission pbo. After theat they work, but have 2 in quick succession. Different matter so let's not go there.

What I'm getting at is adding the mutant files to the mission pbo and adding an init in the init.sqf


that would be something like []execVM "mutantfiles/init.sqf"


I've toyed around with this idea for some time but never got round to perfecting it.

http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8661-event-show-us-your-serverspecials/?p=68822 <- video of toying :P


one of the biggest problems is an undefined variable in the mutant.fsm or something, it will spam your RTP like crazy.


Btw, if you have infistar, before you do anyhting of the above, put on map markers and check if the bloodsuckers are indeed not spawned and not teleported to the desired location. What happens is: server spawns bloodsuckers in the debug or lower left corner of the map, and teleports them to near the player (hence the little can whenever a bloodsucker spawns). What could be happening is that the server spawns them, but doesnt teleport them.

If you turn on mapmarkers and check if you see AI (red circle thingies) at the bottom left or near the sefik unit, they do indeed spawn, but arent tp'd.


Are you following me so far? :P

I just noticed that these fuckers (well only 1 it would seem) is spawning in the lower left corner of the map, but after testing serveral times on 3 of my test server they only seem to spawn in the lower left hand corner every once in a while, don't know what is triggering them, just random chance most likely. If I could figure out how to TP them... I tried writing Land_bspawn into mission.sqm to force it to create a spawn on land, that was a no go, I wrote one into the mission.sqf to do basically the same using a createvehicle and still couldn't do it. What I did notice is that when I wrote the Land_bspawn into the mission.sqm I was not able to log onto the server at first, kept telling me I need files that were missing "namalsk", I already have that file in autoaddons, so I moved it into regular addons and boom I got in no problem. Since Land_bspawn is actually a file called bspawn in the namalsk.pbo I'm really wondering if the reason they're spawning in the lower left corner is because the spawn information in the p3d is set to namalsk map only. Perhaps it could be changed if there was a p3d editor, but there doesn't appear to be a free one around. That is my conclusion at this point, it is because of information in the p3d, now I know that the p3d is working because the bloodsucker spawned in the first place, which the information in the script in the custom building_spawnZombies would in be dependent on. So we know the script works, so the hang up has got to be in that p3d because I have tested every method I can think of at this point to force it to work. If anyone has any better ideas I am all ears, until then I will continue to just write the BS's into the server via the mission.sqm.

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I fixed the script, I honestly don't know why someone hasn't caught this mistake before, the _originalPos was never defined in the updated script that is being passed around, this is why bloodsuckers spawn in the lower left corner, they know to spawn but don't know where to go. So I simply defined the _originalPos and told them what to do, now they spawn where you tell them to. However I have been testing this fix for the past 2 days and I can tell you that they seem to only spawn with certain buildings, for instance I have never seen them spawn with the Land_A_Castle_Donjon but they spawn just fine at Land_Mil_Barracks_i and Land_a_Stationhouse. I also added a mutant heart to their drop, it's rare however. So there it is, the age old mystery finally solved.


      //Add bloodsuckers
    if ((_type == "bspawn" || _type == "Land_a_Stationhouse" || _type == "Land_A_Castle_Donjon" || _type == "GraveDZE" || _type == "Land_fuel_tank_small" || _type == "Land_Ind_Timbers" || _type == "Land_Mil_Barracks_i") && dzn_ns_bloodsucker && ((random 400) < dzn_ns_bloodsucker_den)) then {
        private["_content", "_originalPos"];
        _rnd = random 1;
        if (_rnd < 0.18562) then {
            _content = "this addweapon 'mut_heart'";
        } else {
            _content = "";
        _originalPos = getPos _obj;
        "ns_bloodsucker" createUnit [[(_originalPos select 0) + (random 60), (_originalPos select 1) - (random 60), 0], group sefik, _content, 1, "CORPORAL"];

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Oh and in regards to the nuke, well I have EVR working just fine on my server and in reality the EVR happened as a result of a nuke going off in NC. So I'm going to take the nuke script out of the NC pbo and put it into my mission pbo to go off in conjunction with the EVR, however I will take off damage so it'll just be a cool special effect that you'll see every once in a while, I'll still leave EVR damage on however.

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