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Most fun I've had so far


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Well I know we are all here to test and that is serious business but I thought I'd share a little experience I had last night while testing out the traders.



So I spawn in at my usual "safe spot" and hop on my ATV headed out towards my favorite trader city.  I make the rounds, checking which vendor is home and what they have in stock and attempt to buy/sell the usual things to see if I can't break something.  As I'm rounding a corner looking for a trader, I notice a chair sitting inside of a garage, perfect loot opportunity I think to myself. 


Well I flip the cushions over and start looking for gear when I hear a buzzing noise.  I think it must be my ATV still turned on so I go outside and shut the engine off.  Still hearing the noise, then I realize... its a drone!  Having recently learned about their true evil purpose, I hightail it out of there ASAP!


I get about 150m out of town and the dang thing is chasing me still...  So I do what any self respecting epoch tester would and shoot the sucker down.   I give it a few minutes and check to see the coast is clear and head back into town to resume my trading routine when I see something strange in the road.  It looks like a zombie from a distance, so I pull up and its a soldier just standing in the middle of the road!  Well of course, I hop off my ATV and blast him.


Start looting and success! A launcher and a ton of fat military loot on this guy.


Then I start taking fire.  Bam, dead.


I respawn and thank awol, my marker is still up.  I run a good 3 clicks and manage to grab a gun off of the body before I start taking fire again.  Hide behind some cover and dispatch another AI.  This time I'm on high alert so I scout the area and see another two AI, one hiding inside a building, and the other in the back courtyard of a house.  I take out bad guy #1 and work my way around to take out bad guy #2.  My heart is racing at this point as I don't wana lose my newly acquired fat loots.  A few bullets later and bad guy #2 is down.


Now my heart is still racing as I don't know if there's any more AI waiting in an alleyway or holed up  in a house so I loot as fast as I can and come away with some pretty sweet gear.   Overall, this was a very intense sittuation and something I was not expecting at all.


Here's what I managed to gather from this encounter with the AI:


1 RCO optic

1 CCO optic

1 Rocket launcher (3 missiles)

1 6.5 LMG

2 5.56 assault rifles

3 Med Kits

6 Grenades

3 Big Backpacks (forget the name)

3 GPS/NVG/Radio/Rangefinder

Countless smoke grenades



As of now if you're looking to get kitted up, or even kit up a small group, listen for a buzzing noise.  


Here's my feedback on the sittuation.


First it would appear that the AI ignored me completely when I was on my ATV (not sure if we can do anything about this).  Secondly, they seemed to spawn right where the drone initially saw me and didn't spread out very much.  While the drone did track me down to the outskirts of the town (up on a hill overlooking the town), the AI stayed in place and took cover among the buildings.  I was shot several times but did not get a bleed indicator which made this process much easier.  Love the high level loot for the risk/reward.


edit: I just realized, I shot the drone down before the AI had a chance to see me.  this could explain the fact they just kinda hunkered down in town and didn't attempt to track me down.


Overall, keep up the good work, I'm glad to see something new every day I test on this mod!

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heck yeah dude!  I'm going to go hunting for more bad guys tonight/this weekend.  Still need to find the cultists, which I gotta say freak me out more than ai soldiers.  Although... I could try out my rocket launcher on them, might work out nicely.

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