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Just a little Feedback


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Hey guys,


Since I can't see what has and hasn't been posted here yet, I'd like to offer a suggestion.  I'd love to see us using an issue tracker.  As you may or may not know from my application, I am a programmer working in the QA department of a software company here in southern california.


The majority of my job is creating automated testing software, however I still get my hands dirty and do good old fashioned testing now and again.


One thing that is critical to our company is Issue Tracking.  I'm sure you all know what it is but for the uninitiated, it is a system where testers can report bugs which are then assigned to the team working on the product.  The bug reports should be detailed and include information regarding the OS, Version of the software, replication steps, and expected and actual results.


Issue trackers may be a bit of overhead at first but they cut down on duplicate bug entries and offer the development team a clear view of what is broken and what needs to be fixed.


Issue trackers don't have to be just about bugs.  We also enter feature requests if a client suggest something we think would help grow our products, or if we think of something neat we think clients would like.


At work, we use TestTrack, which is a paid service, but I have experience installing and administrating free issue trackers such as Mantis and Bugzilla.  I would suggest mantis since it runs on PHP and MySQL. It is easy to set up and use.  Would not require much training and would hopefully increase the quality of bug reports so admins don't keep getting "when I get poisoned, it does nothing, what gives" bug reports and the like.


If hosting is an issue, I would be happy to provide it through my own web host if you like but I'm sure you guys could host it in house.



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I have an old google doc that I was using to track issues but a lot of that info is not useful in the current build - these forums should be utilized to communicate but perhaps a stickied post by a moderator w/ "known issues" would be great for testers until a proper github is established

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