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Server Hosting is not easy



Dear All,


having spent many a happy hour here learning how to host, script & operate a server I would like to share some thoughts.


There is no plug & play easy way to host a server, I see many here asking for answers to questions that have been answered many times before.

I see people here who seem to think it's easy & want everyone else to do it all for them, pay offers, requests to fix it all.


We sorry to burst ya bubbles but this shit whilst not rocket science isn't easy.


Do your time, learn the ropes & invest in some research, that way lies success.


Don't waste your money on renting servers that you have no clue about operating, a fool & his money are easily parted, you are fodder for the hosting companies & the only winners are them.


This may rattle the odd cage but it has to be said.


Good luck.



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When I came to server hosting over a year ago it was a very daunting experience, not knowing where to start or what to do but I put the hours in researching scripts and how to add them.

Now I'm not saying I know everything as i certainly don't however I do know considerably more then a year ago. I certainly wouldn't have even attempted to re write a script to in my eyes make it better even 6 months ago!

Long and short of this is if you want to host a server it's possiable for anyone to learn given enough time and dedication. Paying may be the quick and easy way to get a server sorted but then every little change you will need help with. Taking the time to learn and your opening up the ability to do so much more.

Even now I still put a lot of hours into learning and improving what I'm doing so don't expect to be able to sit back and enjoy playing on your server either ;)

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