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[Request] Engines failing


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When an engine is over 90% damaged, it's possible that it will cut out once every so often. For example, when a badly damaged engine is running. once every 2 or 3 minutes there could be a 50% chance of the power dropping and it would take two or three seconds to then start back up.


Could make for some nasty moments when flying, especially. 

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I would look at spawning a process when the player is in a vehicle.  Maybe tying in to a vehicle event handler if there is one already available for engine on state.


Loop every X minutes or until player leaves vehicle.

Check engine damage

Less than 90% wait for next check

Greater than 90%

Check engine is on

Engine off then wait for next check

Engine on then check for engine failure.

Work out failure_percentage

Run calculate chance_percentage and compare results.

Chance_percentage greater than failure_percentage.

Wait for next check.

Chance_percentage less than failure_percentage.

Turn engine off.

Wait for next check.


You could even add a difficult to restart check so fo X seconds after turning off the engine there is Y chance of the engine refusing to restart and fire that loop between the "Turn off engine" and "Wait for next check".


Server variables like the following could be used to configure differently for each server;


Above what engine damage value to instigate a stall chance.



What is the percentage chance of a stall unit (i.e. every 5% above Check_Stall_Percentage)



What is the percentage chance of a stall value (i.e. for every Check_Stall_Chance_Unit above Check_Stall_Percentage there is a

Check_Stall_Chance_Value chance of stalling).



How often to check for a stall.



How often to check for restart failure after a stall has occured.



Every time a restart is tried, what is the chance of failure.


You may need to check on how 'heavy' it would be load wise on the client to run it though and fine tune the check frequency.


There are probably lots of other ways to do it but this seemed fairly easy off the top of my head.  How much the player base would like it is another matter ;) .

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I would like it. Im not 100% sure but I think the damage model changed from the standard ArmA damage. I can't remember the last time I saw in HUD flickering when the instruments / avionics get damaged but I noticed it doesn't seem to happen in Epoch.

The tail rotor definitely gets damaged...

Also not 100% sure if the decent engine damage was from ArmA or ACE but there is one of those that has a loss of power when the engine light goes red which makes the helo hard enough to pilot that landing is pretty much the only smart option.

IMO that would be awesome coupled with a slight chance the engine might cut out. I'm just wondering, upon stalling would the helo start itself back up or would we need to slam the Q button to start it. I would almost prefer another chance that it takes multiple attempts to start up again and we have to try starting it manually.

All that would add a lot to piloting. That fine line between piloting a functional aircraft and a completely disabled one should be expanded imo.

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