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Network issues



People can't join, and people "losing connection". Here is all my basic.cfg settings and my RPT log.

No players are below 100 bandwidth


Havent added anything new, hosted on a dedi box from Vilayer. Any help much appreciated.





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Thanks for the support vbawol..I should have know to use paste bin to get a response.   :blink:


Nope putting the log file on pastebin wont get you a response but is clearly better than posting pages and pages of your log file in the first post.  Spoiler tags are also sometimes helpful as an alternative but then they still rely on you putting the data on the website which is funded by the Epoch team (upload / download / storage etc).


The alternative you seem to have gone for is;

  • Dump your log in the post when asking for help.
  • Complain when no-one has replied in the first 24 hours and when the great total of 25 people have viewed your thread.
  • State that your hosting provider has fixed the issue but provide no information for anyone else who may encounter the issue in future on how it was fixed.
  • Be sarcastic to the lead developer, who has put a large amount of time and effort in to providing the Epoch mod to all of us for free.

Not really the way I would have gone if I wanted help from the community now or in future.

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Much love to vbawol's, and his hard work and earned respect isn't relative to this, sarcasm is due to the implication that I didn't get responses do to me not using paste bin.(duh I should have known)<<sarcasm.  Being 24 hours old is also not relative. Many topics get replies in hours if not minutes. Due to the overwhelming responses I didn't feel to inclined to post anything more regarding my main post. Thanks for all the tips for future reference, will make sure and use paste bin ^^


Edit: I edited my original post using paste bin so not to use up hosting space.

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vbawol's hard work and earned respect isn't relative to this, sarcasm is due to the implication that I didn't get responses do to me not using paste bin.(duh I should have known)<<sarcasm.  Being 24 hours old is also not relative. Many topics get replies in hours if not minutes. Due to the overwhelming responses I didn't feel to inclined to post anything more regarding my main post. Thanks for all the tips for future reference, will make sure and use paste bin ^^


Edit: I edited my original post using paste bin so not to use up hosting space.


The we are reading VBAwols response differently as I see no connection between him asking you to use pastebin and the fact you didn't get a reply, hence the suprise on the sarcastic response.


I have posts here that have no response at all after weeks like on bitwize calculations in Epoch / ARMA II.  18 days and no response positive or negative.  I just take it that out of the 90+ people who have taken a look, no one has anything to add or share.  Thats fine so I go take a look elsewhere.


Pastebin is probably the web server freindly way to do it but spoiler tag can also help if the text is not so long but still longer than a normal post (i.e. a bit of log output, sqf or cfg file contents etc).  I will also need to look in to using them more if I need to post logs etc as well.


Taking the "you didn't reply to me so I am not going to help you" stance really doesn't add anything to the community.  I find that helping others makes them more inclined to go out of their way to help you and tends to show you are not one of the "over entitled" generation.  I help where I can (hadn't seen your post, experienced your error or used your hosting provider so nothing to add in this case) and get a fair bit back when required for other helpful people here.


Anyway, if you feel inclined to reveal what the issue was and how it was fixed then I am sure it will be of interest to others, if not now then possibly in the future.  If not then no matter.

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