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[WIP] DZEi - Epoch interior (updated 4/07/04)


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There's dilemma with that one. Most (if not all) interior objects are just proxies for buildings added trough Oxygen, they are actual part of the building. I don't think they can even be removed. The initial idea was just to add them as custom loot piles, but currently loot piles for objects are rotated on their side when dropped making objects look funky. Maybe some kind of dynamic spawns could work instead.

Hmm that is not even half bad. You could actually control how much spawns making the items real gems for players and actually something they could start trading in themselves. Something like this might work. Think you'd be able to simply add this to the modules folder as an event.


private ["_num_items", "_spawn_locations", "_location", "_loot"];

_num_items			= (4 round(random 16); // number of items to spawn
_spawn_locations	= [[COORD X, COORD Y, COORD Z, 250]] // array with coords + area of locations to spawn these items
_items 				= [] // array of item classnames to spawn

	_location 	= _spawn_locations BIS_fnc_SelectRandom;
	_location   = [[_location select 0, _location select 1, _location select 2],5,_location select 2,1,0,2,0] BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Or if you know a way to get the actual loot coordinates?

	_item 		= _items BIS_fnc_SelectRandom;

	_loot 		= createVehicle [_item,_location,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

} count _num_items;

Then you still need to add some kind of handler that makes the objects spawned loottable, but seeing as they should all have decent classnames that should be doable.

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