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Viewing traders in Arma 3d map editor?


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So, after pulling my hair out, I finally figured out how to get the trader cities to populate in the Arma 2 map editor, which was dead simple once I realized there was a mission.biedel on Epoch's github *facepalm*


Now what I'm caught up on, is that while I can view the trader cities and manipulate the buildings etc., the actual traders themselves don't show up. They're in the list on the left of the editor, but they come up as ? in the 2d editor, and they're completely non-existent in the 3d editor. I assume that's because the editor can't resolve their character names (worker3, RU_workwoman3, etc.)...I couldn't even add new characters if I wanted to, they don't show up in the available units to add. so what do I need to do to the editor to get these to work? 


Also, on a related note, while I can manipulate the trader cities, the giant fort wall around Klen doesn't show up, which I would like to remove...any tips on this as well?

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So, after pulling my hair out, I finally figured out how to get the trader cities to populate in the Arma 2 map editor, which was dead simple once I realized there was a mission.biedel on Epoch's github *facepalm*


Now what I'm caught up on, is that while I can view the trader cities and manipulate the buildings etc., the actual traders themselves don't show up. They're in the list on the left of the editor, but they come up as ? in the 2d editor, and they're completely non-existent in the 3d editor. I assume that's because the editor can't resolve their character names (worker3, RU_workwoman3, etc.)...I couldn't even add new characters if I wanted to, they don't show up in the available units to add. so what do I need to do to the editor to get these to work? 


Also, on a related note, while I can manipulate the trader cities, the giant fort wall around Klen doesn't show up, which I would like to remove...any tips on this as well?


I'm interested in editing the trader cities too, but giant fort wall? I don't have that around Klen.... 

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You can remove stuff I think by editing out the mission.sqf file as this is where everything spawns in, and why you can't see the trader cities in the normal editor. Klen has a three piece castle wall around it, 2 bastion walls and one gate. There is also a hesco wall to the rear area. 


I'm the process of building  FOB Revolver in that area so will be deleting the standard Klen items. I was thinking I could remove the building items from the mission.sqf file and have them spawn into the usual map additions way. I've already changed the traders models over to the Force Recon team from the Arma 2 SP campaign. 


For the Klen items I just replicated them on the standard editor, the gate sits in front of the road and the bastion pieced can only go one way giving a good idea of where they are in Epoch. Did you just load the epoch mission file into the editor?


Not sure about the position of the units in the map editor. My plan was to use a placeholder item in the new position I want the traders to be in, get the coords for the placeholder item and enter that into the mission.sqf for the trader I wanted to move. 


The only thing I can't work out at the moment is where and how vehicles load in when you purchase them. If I move the trader I will need to move the spawn in location. I also wanted to move the spawn in location for helis for the hero trader since I've lost helis spawning in badly before. 

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You can remove stuff I think by editing out the mission.sqf file as this is where everything spawns in, and why you can't see the trader cities in the normal editor. Klen has a three piece castle wall around it, 2 bastion walls and one gate. There is also a hesco wall to the rear area. 


I'm the process of building  FOB Revolver in that area so will be deleting the standard Klen items. I was thinking I could remove the building items from the mission.sqf file and have them spawn into the usual map additions way. I've already changed the traders models over to the Force Recon team from the Arma 2 SP campaign. 


For the Klen items I just replicated them on the standard editor, the gate sits in front of the road and the bastion pieced can only go one way giving a good idea of where they are in Epoch. Did you just load the epoch mission file into the editor?


Not sure about the position of the units in the map editor. My plan was to use a placeholder item in the new position I want the traders to be in, get the coords for the placeholder item and enter that into the mission.sqf for the trader I wanted to move. 


The only thing I can't work out at the moment is where and how vehicles load in when you purchase them. If I move the trader I will need to move the spawn in location. I also wanted to move the spawn in location for helis for the hero trader since I've lost helis spawning in badly before. 

So it can actually be easier than that. What you do is grab the mission.biedel from epoch's github, then throw that into a new folder in the same location where your custom maps get stored (the documents\arma 2 other profiles\etc etc), but create a new folder in there. So for example, I made a custom map named "test", that got saved in a folder called test.Chernarus. In the same location where this folder is, I created a new folder called original.Chernarus. Throw the mission.biedel in there, then go to your mission.pbo and grab the mission.sqf out of there and stick it in the same folder. Now when you open up the map editor and hit load, you'll see it, and bam, the trader cities are pre-populated in the editor for you to manipulate.


as far as editing the traders themselves, I think you have it right, the only way Ive found to edit them is to place a placeholder then find it and replace it with a trader type in the sqf file.


Now, the only major problem I've had with this method is that when I save my new modified trader map, the sqf file it creates is different in a couple ways than the default sqf that comes with epoch. There's a bunch of beginning and end code that's arma specific, so that's easily stripped out, but what I found was that somewhere there was an extra 30 lines of code that wasn't accounted for in my edits. I didn't feel comfortable using that sqf as it came (minus the arma 2 code of course), so I just copied and pasted my manipulations back into the original sqf, as you said. 

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  • 4 months later...

I know this is older thread but still am searching to move some traders to new cities with markets.   I have 3 cities that already have the setups with markets in place.   I wanted to add traders to these and haven't found a clear path yet.


I figured that if I open my new base in editor and place units in position in the booths I could then have my worldspace info and then add additional traders in the trader sqf but then need to add the new trader info into database and thats where I got lost.


If I add new traders on the client side server_traders.sqf   and then add locations and info on server side mission.sqf   then add to database?   last step is the big one I only have access through phpadmin and I don't understand it very well...........


Anyone have luck with moving a new trader to a new location on the map in Chernarus?





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In Order to add traders you simply need the biedi file for the epoch chernarus you are using(only 2 versions that I am aware of, Nwaf airplane dealer and neaf airplane dealer), you simply just open that biedi file in the editor and move things around in there(or add), save it and go into the mission.sqf you receive and remove the top and botom sections(use your current mission.sqf as a reference, there is a line
_this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};
that should be at the bottom of each unit that you want to act as a trader so the trader unit should look like this


_unit_26 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = _group_0 createUnit ["FR_Sykes", [1100.2645, 2854.3738, 2.3841858e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_26 = _this;
  _this setDir -180.34883;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;  ";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
_this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};


after that, you can follow this tutorial made by somebody else(can't recall who made this) https://docs.google.com/document/d/17qGy-LI4WVudJQb1vRCZobTgTEFgZwoJybEA9oUiZuQ/edit


I have added 2 traders to my server for lvl 2 bandit and hero 10k+/- humanity


To move on its actually a bit more simplier than adding new ones, you just place a unit in the editor, save it and copy the world space and "_this setDir" to change the traders position and direction

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