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Pook choppers to traders



I have tried to add pook civ chopper to my aircraft dealer and pook gunship chopper to my hero trader, but when i add them server gets stuck on "waiting for server to start authentication". The rows i added to the database is right. I got other stuff added just fine.


I run epoch

My host is vilayer.

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If you want to look at it here's the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hevxvl85x5yfzb5/ARMA2OASERVER.RPT


I saw this in the RPT log


17:59:37 "get: STRING (13081926), sent: STRING (13081926)"
17:59:37 "DISCONNECT: MrSmiley (13081926) Object: B 1-1-A:3 (MrSmiley) REMOTE, _characterID: 0 at loc [-7248.53,19529.1,0]"
17:59:37 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character MrSmiley as no characterID"
17:59:37 Client: Remote object 2:19 not found
17:59:37 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:2 not found
and that was for every connected player.
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Have you tried it just using normal currency? Do you have other things in your database worth PartOreGold? I would try it with briefcases to see if it works.


On top of that you have a bunch of errors in your server_monitor.sqf

17:57:52 Error in expression < compile format ["%1",_data];
_status = _result select 0;

if (_status == "Objec>
17:57:52   Error position: <_result select 0;

if (_status == "Objec>
17:57:52   Error Undefined variable in expression: _result
17:57:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 268
17:57:52 Error in expression <status = _result select 0;

if (_status == "ObjectStreamStart") then {
_val = _r>
17:57:52   Error position: <== "ObjectStreamStart") then {
_val = _r>
17:57:52   Error Generic error in expression
17:57:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 270

Your AGN script is warning you

17:57:39 "[AGN] Starting Trader City Safezone Commander!"
17:57:39 "Error: Attempting to start AGN products on a server where it should not be!"

whatever that means. Im not sure if that supposed to be there or not.

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Seeing as the server_monitor.sqf issues seems to be related to the "// preLoad of the server traders menu data into cache" I would try to change the PartOreGold to ItemBriefcase100oz and see.


Also, I would look at the reason for having an afile label as "trade_any_vehicle_old", since i don't think that is defined for the traders (could be wrong on that one though).

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Seeing as the server_monitor.sqf issues seems to be related to the "// preLoad of the server traders menu data into cache" I would try to change the PartOreGold to ItemBriefcase100oz and see.


Also, I would look at the reason for having an afile label as "trade_any_vehicle_old", since i don't think that is defined for the traders (could be wrong on that one though).

you need to have the _old on the end of the afile if you're going to be using a non-standard currency with the traders. I do this with gems on my server. I could be wrong but I thought there was some editing that needed to be done before you can start using that.. let me dig up the end game currency thread...

theres the thread butI think you only need to edit script if you intend on selling the alternate currency for brief cases. If you're just buying vehicles/weapons with that alternate currency you should just need to add the _old in the afile. Perhaps you can't use something with a Parts classname as currency?

A thought I just had, is that "PartOreGold" is not an "item" but perhaps a "Weapon?"  So   [3,"PartOreGold",1] might need to be [3,"PartOreGold",3]? I could be wrong though.

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