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Usage Survey / Thoughts / Experiences


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Hi all,


I am very interested who and how many people are using this linux port of the Epoch server.
There is not too much participation in this forum so I am wondering if it's only a handful of people maybe or a bigger number.

Therefore I opened this topic to gather a bit of information and thoughts to get an idea here ;)

Some example survey questions / maybe you have some other things to tell here...

Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?

For how long are you using it now?

What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?

What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?

Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?

Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?

Who was using this server already and decided to change back to a Windows server and why?


Any other comments?

I am doing this cause I like Devd's idea for realising this port and to get some thoughts what others may think here: experiences, what could be improved/fixed or additionally added, things like that.
I am happy for any answer from you which helps to improve this, make it more popular and keep it living.



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Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?
I am using it as our main server.

For how long are you using it now?
About a week, I plan on sticking with this for as long as I can. Or until the DayZ standalone server files get released, which will probably never happen.

What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?
 I haven't had a single crash, the only thing that stood out was errors being thrown out by scripts because I incorrectly installed them.

What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?
Pros: I'm able to run a DayZ server for the low low price of free (minus paying for the dedicated server) as opposed to having to go through a specific host.

Cons: Pain in the ass to get everything installed, unlike TF2 or Minecraft which have simplified server mod installations.


Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?
None so far.


Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?
I've used Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) for about a year to run various game servers (TF2, GMod, CS:S, CS:GO, variations of minecraft (bukkit, modpack, spigot, etc)), and since most of them are run through steampipe or have simple installs, this was vastly different. Not necessarily difficult, just different. It'd be great if somebody found a way to distribute the server through a single package or run it through another service, but I could see why it wouldn't work. A picture or video tutorial would also be nice (I wouldn't mind helping with that)


Anything Else?

Nope, that's all, been smooth sailing since I solved my own problem.

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Thanks for the reply!!

Leave out questions which are not for you and fell free to include different ones.

That was just a proposal ;)

Scripts work the same way than under windows. The only difference that i see here is that the mission needs to be packed into a pbo file.

have running all 'known' ones. Pm me if you have a question...but should as shown in the normal tutorials...so something else might be wrong.

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Thanks for the reply!!

Leave out questions which are not for you and fell free to include different ones.

That was just a proposal ;)

Scripts work the same way than under windows. The only difference that i see here is that the mission needs to be packed into a pbo file.

have running all 'known' ones. Pm me if you have a question...but should as shown in the normal tutorials...so something else might be wrong.

Whoops, didn't read that part. And maybe I'm just installing the scripts wrong, I tend to do that. I'll take another look at them tomorrow and adjust my reply accordingly.

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Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?
We have always used the linux server as our Main Production servers

For how long are you using it now?


Since November 2013

What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?

Performance wise, Its pretty smooth, Before we took over the community since the last owners didn't have time due to college/uni they used to be hosted by DayZ.ST and the performance was awful but I've been hearing good reports after we took over

What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?


Positives: Price, but that isn't really a big problem for us since we sell minecraft servers, We are able to fit at least 2 servers on 1 system without any effect to anyone else.



Our main problem with linux, is Control, and Hacker Control, I think We need more options, Like BEC for linux or similar, also I think the dump.log needs cleaning out. Alot IMO, Maybe put all the 


Stuff into a seperate file instead of craming it into 1 big file, during one 3 hour restart period, the dump.log for us gets to over 200mb and trying to look for hackers or simple things like server errors and bugs, It would be nice If I didnt have to download a 2 GB file to do so.


Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?

I've never had a problem with mods/scripts, It is a bit of a pain to install new maps ect. but simple enough to figure out if you're patient.

Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?

I found the tutorial pretty detailed, not much to add really.

Who was using this server already and decided to change back to a Windows server and why?


If it was 100% necessary and until a real need for Windows only applications like BEC, without having to install WINE, I would maybe think about it, but I'd never buy from a Host, due to the fact that they have at least 10+ dayz servers on 1 system, and without a good cpu, would end in disaster. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?
main productive server
For how long are you using it now?
since 4 weeks 
What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?
performance is fantastic. fps are amazing,  but i could'nt try it with a full server ... 
What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?

positive: epoch comunity is great

negative: configure an arma server in both ways (on linux and windows) is a pain in the bud :-)
Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?
DZMS&WAI,deployables, vehiclekeychanger, rightclick, distancechanger, snap_build, custom loot tables, selfbb, suicide, take clothes, r3f logitics, agn safezones, buildings..,search event scripts, welcomemessage, infistar antihack + admintools 
Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?
imo there is a failure in the tutorial. if i copy the server files to my root. the server files comes filenames in lowercase ... my arma on my pc (windows) have uppercase letters. so when i use the tolower.c to change all  to lower case it will not work because i have for example expansions and Expensions in the same directory... probably i was doing it wrong but this was the only thing what was not working in the installation process for me..

Who was using this server already and decided to change back to a Windows server and why?

not me there is no reason for doing it :-)


thanks to devd keep up the good work! 


greets to jahangir13 and the com

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Hi Dew, thanks for your post here ;)


Regarding the expansion folder...yes, this was also confusing me in the beginning. In my short video I said that 1 folder can be deleted which just contains dlls and things not needed (think it was the Expansion with capital 'P').

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Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?
> Using today for test server, happy to try this work on my linux box.

For how long are you using it now?
> Some days ago...

What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?
> Last time I've set up a @home server was a Bliss release, on Windows... I can say now it's running as before.

What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?
> "+" : linux of course, and easy to set up!
> "-" : not found a way to set up another mysql address database than localhost (ex hiveext.ini)(for server easiest maintenance, and friends database hosting)

Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?
> Masterkey, lift/tow, snap building, admintools, custom_monitor, R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG, service_point.
Everything is working fine for now, may be some little shits on scripts config sometimes...

Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?
> Tuto is ok. May be a html webpage complete tuto...

Who was using this server already and decided to change back to a Windows server and why?
> If possible nope!

Any other comments?
> Thx for your hard work!
May be a good idea to speak with the admintool's author, to incorporate it by default in your package ;) I think a lot of server admins here is using this useful tool!

Thx for asking us ;)
Good luck!

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Just to clarify: I a NOT the developer of this Linux Port, it' s Devd who had the great idea. I am just trying to mess around a bit here and help to make it more popular ,)


I did not install any Dayz or Epoch server for a long time as I had a Linux root server and did not want to rent another windows machine just for that. Took me a bit until I've found out that there is a version running under Linux. And I really like it so far...so that's the reason.

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