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Epoch events



I want to use the epoch events and run a script on the server every 1h.

The script will check how many people are online and will message all of them, based on how many are online.

I've tried 3 different ways to do that and all failed.

Can anyone help a bit ?

I got this so far.

// Sample hello_world.sqf
private ["_message","_unit","_player"];

if (isServer) then
_message = format["Hello people."];
diag_log _message;                             // It doesnt show in the log
[nil,nil,"per",rTITLETEXT,_message] call RE;   //testing sending message

[nil, nil, rHINT, "Hello people."] call RE;    // another testing

_unit = playableUnits select floor(random count playableUnits); //select a random player
_player = _unit getVariable["bodyName", "nil"];
[nil,player,rSideChat,format["Hello %1",_player]] call RE;      //yet another test

And in my init.sqf i got this : EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",1,"hello_world"],["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"],["any","any","any","any",0,"crash_spawner"]];

// I know i have 1 min here...but its for testing purposes..



Like i said nothing comes out on the screen whichever method i try.....

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This is total BS......

Sidechat messages dont show:   "WARNING illegal RE rsideChatcode with args:

Hint messages dont show: "WARNING illegal RE rhintcode with args:[any,any,"Hint, test msg."]"

Sidechat group messages dont show: "WARNING illegal RE rsideChatcode with args:[[WEST,"AIRBASE"],any,"testtestsetsetsettsttews"]"


Death messages dont show....


Even if i create a logic function in missions.sqm or even a fake player named 'bob' and put him off map, and then do

bob sideChat format["Hello there %1 !!!",_player];

...even that wont show.



Does epoch have a problem with messaging or what ?

Total waste of a day................$#%#$#%#% :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Well first, calm down, the epoch event system works. I have 3 separate event scripts that run just fine.


Here are the issues i can see at a glance:



This will run every 1min past each hour. So 00:01, 01:01, 02:01, 03:01......

If you want it to run every minute its this:



Try just putting this code into a file called 'hello.sqf'

[nil,nil,"per",rTITLETEXT,"Hello!","PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;

Then add this to the event variable



Personnaly i have had issues in the past getting rHint to work. So i created a publicvariable for display hints client side (its more secure too as it doesnt use RE).

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Well first, calm down, the epoch event system works. I have 3 separate event scripts that run just fine.


Here are the issues i can see at a glance:


This will run every 1min past each hour. So 00:01, 01:01, 02:01, 03:01......

If you want it to run every minute its this:


Try just putting this code into a file called 'hello.sqf'

[nil,nil,"per",rTITLETEXT,"Hello!","PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;

Then add this to the event variable


Personnaly i have had issues in the past getting rHint to work. So i created a publicvariable for display hints client side (its more secure too as it doesnt use RE).


Hi maca, yes i know about the 1 and 'any' .figured it out after a while.


I know about rTITLETEXT.... Thats the ONLY thing working in dayz epoch....but i dont want that...i want sidechat.


In the SP mode i can make it work....in MP it gives me the above errors....No wonder why SARGE AI doesnt post messages as well....or Death message dont show....CAUSE ITS FREAKING BROKEN.


If the server scripts cant send any type of messages to the clients (or single client....cause thats a must as well).....then whats the point in 'Supaaa Epoch Events'. To spawn crates ?


:angry: :angry:  (still pissed about this whole thing)

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