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Posts posted by titan

  1. Whats is your issue with hive 999 compared with arma2net+mysql?



    i am quite new at this and from what i have read around the forums is 999 calls are buggy, and exploitable.? why did maca put a pull request on the Github?, and it not used for epoch?


    i thought 500 calls were preferable, (although there is no modify?), and second to that arma2netmysql?  so i thought i would research that route.

  2. Zupa just like to say thanks for this.


    i did'nt like the idea of 999 calls so..


    i have a modified your 999 version, i have it working version using CHILD:500 calls (for data collection)

    and arma2net for the updates (server db writes)

    also uses pvs and pvc  calls.


    i am sure you already have a working version on the above but if you want it just let me know and i post it.

  3. Hey im not trying to steal thunder but a better way to go would be to catch it when vehicles spawn in on server start like this in the server_monitor.sqf ~ line 99

        if ((_pos distance _x) < 75) then {
            if (_damage > 0.1) then {
                _damage = 1;
                [_idKey,false,"SERVER"] call server_deleteObj;
                diag_log format["DELETING SAFEZONE VEHICLE: %1", [_idKey, _type]];
            _ownerID = "0";
    } forEach [zonestary, zonebash, zoneklen];



    It will unlock vehicles that have no damage and delete anything with 0.1 or more damage. Its abit nicer if someone buys a vehicle just before a restart.


    Once the vehicle is out of the safezone and the server restarts, it will be lockable again.


    Technically it removes/unlocks ALL object but you cant build in trader cities so...

    OMG.. simple piece of code, put to great effect. hope i am as good as this someday...

  4. //TiTANS Move it or loose it script V0.1 lol
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"};
    if (!isNil "delVehicle") exitWith {};
    delVehicle = true;
    _VehicleList = nearestObjects [[6331.0352, 7802.3911],["AH6X_DZ","AN2_DZ","ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE","ATV_CZ_EP1","ATV_US_EP1","C130J_US_EP1","car_hatchback","car_sedan","CH_47F_EP1_DZE","CSJ_GyroC","CSJ_GyroCover","CSJ_GyroP","datsun1_civil_1_open","datsun1_civil_2_covered","datsun1_civil_3_open","Fishing_Boat","GAZ_Vodnik_DZE","GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac","GLT_M300_LT","GLT_M300_ST","GNT_C185","GNT_C185C","GNT_C185R","GNT_C185U","hilux1_civil_1_open","hilux1_civil_2_covered","hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1","HMMWV_Ambulance","HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1","HMMWV_DES_EP1","HMMWV_DZ","HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1","HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZE","HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1_DZE","Ikarus","Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Blue","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Green","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Red","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Yellow","Kamaz","KamazRefuel_DZ","Lada1","Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1","Lada2","Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1","LadaLM","LandRover_CZ_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE","LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZE","LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1","M1030_US_DES_EP1","MH6J_DZ","Mi17_Civilian_DZ","Mi17_DZE","MMT_Civ","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ","MTVR_DES_EP1","MV22_DZ","Offroad_DSHKM_Gue_DZE","Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1","Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1","PBX","Pickup_PK_GUE_DZE","Pickup_PK_INS_DZE","Pickup_PK_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE","RHIB","S1203_ambulance_EP1","S1203_TK_CIV_EP1","Skoda","SkodaBlue","SkodaGreen","SkodaRed","Smallboat_1","Smallboat_2","SUV_Blue","SUV_Camo","SUV_Charcoal","SUV_Green","SUV_Orange","SUV_Pink","SUV_Red","SUV_Silver","SUV_TK_CIV_EP1","SUV_White","SUV_Yellow","tractor","TT650_Civ","TT650_Ins","TT650_TK_CIV_EP1","UAZ_CDF","UAZ_INS","UAZ_MG_TK_EP1_DZE","UAZ_RU","UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1","UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1","UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1","UH1H_DZE","UH1Y_DZE","UH60M_EP1_DZE","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZ","Ural_CDF","Ural_TK_CIV_EP1","Ural_UN_EP1","V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1","V3S_Open_TK_EP1","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ","VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1","VWGolf","Zodiac"], 100];	
    VehCount = count _VehicleList; 
    i = 0;
    for "i" from 0 to VehCount do 
    		v = _VehicleList select i;
    		deleteVehicle v; 
        titleText ["Deleted All Vehicles within 100 meters of Trader Zones !.","PLAIN"];titlefadeOut 5;

    Think that should work i will test a little later when i get the chance.

  5. The goal is to remove vehicles within a set area (trade zone for example) on a server restart.

    spot on...


    basically i would like to know how to have this code execute only once on server restart, eg: after the vehicles have spawned and before, or after the first player logs in...and never again, until the next restart.


    i have tried executing it server side using server_functions, (although if i recall i did manage to remove the trader zone completely using "All" but the vehicles remained!, leading me to think that was exec before the vehicles were spawed by the hive). 

    i have also tried calling it from the server, in  the init.sqf from the mission file.but both options did'nt delete remove the vehicles, unless there is a way for the server to wait until the vehicles have spawned?


    like i said the code above does the job if put into a .sqf file as is, and then placed into a mission.pbo and called from the init.sqf. but it is executed every time a player logs in!. 

  6. hi i posted my inquiry on another site and was directed here by another member. i know there is a topic allready here about this but i did'nt want to hijack it. as a noob scripter i been working on something like this, at the moment it is only for stary as i am still tying to get this to work correctly.

    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"};
    publicVariable "delVehicle";
    delVehicle = 0;
    while {delVehicle == 0} do {
    _VehicleList = nearestObjects [[6331.0352, 7802.3911],["AH6X_DZ","AN2_DZ","ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE","ATV_CZ_EP1","ATV_US_EP1","C130J_US_EP1","car_hatchback","car_sedan","CH_47F_EP1_DZE","CSJ_GyroC","CSJ_GyroCover","CSJ_GyroP","datsun1_civil_1_open","datsun1_civil_2_covered","datsun1_civil_3_open","Fishing_Boat","GAZ_Vodnik_DZE","GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac","GLT_M300_LT","GLT_M300_ST","GNT_C185","GNT_C185C","GNT_C185R","GNT_C185U","hilux1_civil_1_open","hilux1_civil_2_covered","hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1","HMMWV_Ambulance","HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1","HMMWV_DES_EP1","HMMWV_DZ","HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1","HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZE","HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1_DZE","Ikarus","Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Blue","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Green","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Red","JetSkiYanahui_Case_Yellow","Kamaz","KamazRefuel_DZ","Lada1","Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1","Lada2","Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1","LadaLM","LandRover_CZ_EP1","LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE","LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZE","LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1","M1030_US_DES_EP1","MH6J_DZ","Mi17_Civilian_DZ","Mi17_DZE","MMT_Civ","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ","MTVR_DES_EP1","MV22_DZ","Offroad_DSHKM_Gue_DZE","Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1","Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1","PBX","Pickup_PK_GUE_DZE","Pickup_PK_INS_DZE","Pickup_PK_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE","RHIB","S1203_ambulance_EP1","S1203_TK_CIV_EP1","Skoda","SkodaBlue","SkodaGreen","SkodaRed","Smallboat_1","Smallboat_2","SUV_Blue","SUV_Camo","SUV_Charcoal","SUV_Green","SUV_Orange","SUV_Pink","SUV_Red","SUV_Silver","SUV_TK_CIV_EP1","SUV_White","SUV_Yellow","tractor","TT650_Civ","TT650_Ins","TT650_TK_CIV_EP1","UAZ_CDF","UAZ_INS","UAZ_MG_TK_EP1_DZE","UAZ_RU","UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1","UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1","UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1","UH1H_DZE","UH1Y_DZE","UH60M_EP1_DZE","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZ","Ural_CDF","Ural_TK_CIV_EP1","Ural_UN_EP1","V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1","V3S_Open_TK_EP1","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ","VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1","VWGolf","Zodiac"], 100];	
    VehCount = count _VehicleList; 
    i = 0;
    for "i" from 0 to VehCount do 
    		v = _VehicleList select i;
    		deleteVehicle v; 
        "delVehicle" =1;
        titleText ["Deleted All Vehicles within 100 meters of Trader Zones !.","PLAIN"];titlefadeOut 5;

    currently it is set to delete ( the vehicles return on restart) for testing. it will be changed to"v setdamage 1;"

    or even some sort of teliport script to teliport them to random locations.


    problem is it deletes vehicles everytime someone joins the server, instead of just the once. i was reading up on using publicVariables to stop this from happening. but as a noob to scripting i am struggling.


    i thought i would try if (isServer) {...code..}; but the vehicles don't get deleted.


    the guy on the other forum mentioned to contact Axecop?

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