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Posts posted by MadMartyr

  1. It adds a menu item to tents (and maybe some other objects...I don't remember) that allows a user to save their current data (inventory, position, health).  Some servers were having an issue with this, if I remember correctly.  I could be completely wrong, though, as I've never had any such issues outside of my time using Taviana and just skipped over those posts.

  2. Hey MadMartyr, did you ever logout while on the islands up north, then login and get dumped in the ocean, bout 2kliks away? what could cause that?


    Had all kinds of issues with the north of the islands on Tavi.  Logging out there, and be reset as a new spawn.  Leaving vehicles there and they'd be destroyed occasionally (this was after I fixed the ResetOOBVehicles option).  Eventually, I just switched my server to Lingor, and I love it.  Series of islands, bridges, probably not as big as Tavi, but most all of the buildings have their interiors open and it has a tropical feel which is nice for a change.

  3. I think one of the threads said that their current storage is 50/10/2 (maybe 7 on the backpacks...not positive).  As for all of the classnames, I'm not sure.  I tried adding some of the classnames that aren't listed in the dynamic spawn sqf directly in to the database, and they didn't show up, so we'll need them to chime in on which vehicles, exactly, are included.

  4. When attempting to remove debris or a plot pole, I don't see a listing for it in my scroll menu.  In my RPT, however, I see this message:


    13:38:18 Server: Object 3:148 not found (message 94)



    Any help in tracking this down would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Trying to work out an error I'm getting for type conversion (even though the script still works).  I believe it's caused by the script running on the server, when it should only be running on the client (if I remember correctly, zombies are client-controlled...correct me if I'm wrong).  Stay tuned.

  6. Decided to write an event for MySQL to delete plot poles once a day, should be enough of a deterrent.

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` EVENT `removePlotPoles` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS '2013-06-02 02:52:01' ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE ENABLE COMMENT 'Removes plot poles every day' DO DELETE FROM dayz_epoch.object_data WHERE Classname = 'Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ'
  7. I've been fielding complaints from some of my players that there just isn't a way to build a base in towns, as the zombie spawn just means they get killed while trying to build (and I personally feel that you should be able to have a base in a town and a way to keep it safe from zombies that run through the walls and barricades).  I decided to address that by modifying the ZombieShield script I've been using to keep my admin base safe.


    What this does, is gives a predefined area around the plot pole where zombies will be automatically teleported away when they spawn.  For starters, in your configuration area of the init.sqf, add the following:

    dayz_poleSafeArea = 30; // Default = 30m, the buildable distance

    At the bottom of your init.sqf, add the following:

    [] execVM "custom\base_SafeArea.sqf";

    Now, create a folder in the same directory as your mission's init.sqf called "custom".  Within that folder, create a new file called "base_SafeArea,sqf" with the following contents:

    // Epoch Base Safe Area
    // By MadMartyr
    // Modified from generic ZombieShield code by felixberndt and meat
    // http://opendayz.net/threads/prevent-zombie-spawning.8799/#post-32461
    while {true} do {
      sleep 10;
      // No Zeds near Plot Poles
      _playerPos = getPos player;
      _nearPole = nearestObject [_playerPos, "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];
      if (!isNull _nearPole) then {
        _pos2 = getPos _nearPole;
        _zombies2 = _pos2 nearEntities ["zZombie_Base", dayz_poleSafeArea];
        _count2 = count _zombies2;
        for "_i" from 0 to (_count2 -1) do
          _zombie2 = _zombies2 select _i;
          _zombie2 setpos [-3367.739,-120.84577,-8247.0625];
    You might get some BattlEye script restrictions on getPos and setPos, just add an exception for base_SafeArea.sqf.


    Not thoroughly tested yet, as I just did this in the last hour, so let me know if you try it out and if it works well for you.



    arma2oaserver.rpt spam fixed.

  8. Tavi had a lot of issues when we ran it, many of those are not related to Epoch, but the vendor issues I reported were.  The version of Tavi that we were using, at the very least, is terrible.  To keep players from dying to invisible walls, I had to cordon off entire cities in some cases.  Ridiculous.

  9. At Jim and Joe's Weapons and ammo, the ammo vendor DOES appear to be working, however...


    Green's Quality Cars does not appear to be working (Citizen2_EP1)

    At Jim and Joe's Weapons and ammo, the weapon vendor doesn't appear to be working (EuroMan1)

    JD's Armed Boats does not appear to be working (ibr_lingorman2)

    Chip's Choppers does not appear to be working (Pilot)

    Juan's Tour Boats, I can't even find the vendor.

    Whiskey's Parts does not appear to be working (RU_Worker1)

    Axle's Repair Shop does not appear to be working (Worker2)

    AWOL's Planes does not appear to be working (Pilot_EP1)

    Wholesaler Clive does not appear to be working (ibr_lingorman3s)

    Mad Scientist does not appear to be working (RU_Doctor)

    Neither Chuck nor Buck appear to be working (ibr_lingorman7 and ibr_lingorman5)

    Bag Lady Gina does not appear to be working (RU_Madam3)

    Wholesaler Santos does not appear to be working (Citizen3_EP1)

    Neither Alejandria or Melly appear to be working (CIV_EuroWoman01_EP1 and Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1)


    Seeing that only one of mine is working, I'm going to truncate my trader items and vendor tables again and re-run the SQL file.

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